The tank is 48cm high 38cm deep and 80cm wide, the filter is an Aqua One, it is mounted on the back of the tank and expels water through a spout into the tank, which creates quite a few bubbles which are clear and dissipate, the bubbles I noticed earlier this week were more solid, almost soapy. I have charcoal balls (like a ping pong ball with holes filled with charcoal), a charcoal bag and filter wood as the filtering media. The tank does not have any live plants and I haven't introduced new food, new fish or new decorations. I have 2 clown loaches, 1 YoYo loach, 2 skunk loaches, 2 striata (they were called tiger loaches at the pet shop) and 2 which I am not sure of the name, they could be young Pakistanis, they are very lively and outgoing and hang with the Clowns. I also have a Pleco, a large goldfish (the original inhabitant) four black widow tetras, 2 glowlight tetras and 2 danios. I do boil the water and mix the hot in with the cold when I do water changes, is it OK to use from the hot water tap as I believe boiling the water takes the oxygen out.