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Everything posted by amber

  1. thanks like I said ill defiantly be putting yellows and blues in there with the clown loaches and golden just need to decide what else to put in there would love some dems but there a bit harder to get and more exspensive so might have to wait.
  2. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =650750046 this is the tank also forgot to mention I have 4 clown loaches and a golden sucker fish that will be going in the tank as well.
  3. I didn't think a single aquaone 1200 would be enough for the tank hence why was going to have 2 but I didn't think about the spray bars either. guess its back to the thinking board for a bit haha. yip ive only ever had the aquaone thermosafe heaters but cant seem to find anymore. as for stocking list im not sure any ideas how many fish I could fit in there? im thinking electric blues,electric yellows for sure. ive had convicts and kribenis in the past and quite like them.also had demasoni and would love them again. also like the look of giraffes and jacks and frontosa but they all get really big so don't know yet.
  4. ive just brought this tank its aprox 400lts measurements are 130cmL x 65H x 50w im wanting to set it up as a African tank so far ive brought white silica sand,air hose,check valves,some coral rocks & ornaments but im stuck on the filter I have a limited bidget so im tossing up between 2 aquaone 1200s for combined 2400lph for $290.70 or a aquaone nautilus cf2700 2700lph $349.90 plus shipping also stuck on the heaters weather to get 2 aquaone 300watt heaters so can put 1 at each end of just go for a 500watt for centre of tank. any info/help will be appreciated thanks. ps I tried to put a photo of tank up but not sure how to.
  5. thanks I done a google search and come up with a few places so just waiting to hear back now.
  6. does anyone know where to get either lime stone rocks or coral rocks around manawatu,wanganui area cheaper the better I need some for my new 400lt tank. thanks
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