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Posts posted by ten_roses

  1. I was just wondering if some one can help me value my tank, I am thinking of selling it but I'm not really sure how much its worth, thanks!

    It is 50 litres.

    Made of glass and has a two piece glass lid.

    It holds water perfectly.

    I believe it was designed for Siamese fighter breeding. It has three cubicle compartments for the fish and one compartment at the back where the filter and heater are.

    Also include in the sale would be the gravel that is currently in the tank, the heater and the specially designed filter (it is a pump attatched to a PVC pipe that has filter media inside and the water is filter into each of the compartments with a small pipe)

    Thanks for any suggestions on what its value might be.

  2. We are going to get a red eared turtle hatchling for Christmas. I would like to have the tank and everything fully set up before we get it.

    What size tank would you recommend?

    We need a heater, right?

    Gravel on the bottom of the tank and maybe some larger stones?

    Some sort of floating island or another way for it to get out of the water?

    A filter? Internal filter?

    What about a UV light?


  3. Hi

    I havn't had any luck breeding my mystery snails.

    I got 4 blue mystery snails maybe 2 months ago now.

    I have seen them mating many times so I assume that I do have males and females.

    I have the water level about 2-3 inches from the top of the tank.

    My snails have not laid any eggs since I got them, does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

  4. How long should I leave my krib fry in the tank with the parents? I heard that soem times especially when the parents are ready to have a new brood of fry that they may eat the already existing brood of fry, is this true? Has anyone experienced this? Should I leave my fry with the parents until I am ready to sell them or should I separate them into my fry tank? Thanks

    I also heard that the parents will start to fight with each other if you leave the fry with them for too long.

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