Hi guys,
So yesterday I decided to rip 60% of the plants out of my tank because they grew faster than I could be bothered trimming them (which is odd for a low tech tank, haha), and because I wanted to change the scenery in the tank a bit, focussing on large broad leaf plants. This is what it looked like after finishing the replanting last night (the tank is 500 litres btw):
Anyway, as you can see from that photo, the tank looks rather... empty now. Here's what I have in there at the moment:
6 x red phantom Tetras
4 x Angel Fish
2 x yellow Gourami
1 x Pearl Gourami
1 x Opaline Gourami
4 x Bristlenose Pleco's
1 x Siamese Algae Eater
I had some neon tetra's, but the Angel's thought they were a nice snack so I got rid of them. All the other fish in the tank get along very well, and I have even had the red phantoms breed in there before. The angels sometimes have a go at each other, but they never attack or chase anything else.
So, what I want to do now is add more fish to the tank and make it look more alive and fill the empty space. So far I know for sure that I want to add another Pearl Gourami, another Opaline Gourami and some more Red Phantoms, but what I really want to do is add some more variety as well.
So, question time:
Can anyone recommend some fish that could do well in my tank? Specifically I am after fish that aren't yellow or red-ish in colour, as I already have a lot of those. I would love something with some blue hue's.
Thank you!