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    Taranaki, but study in Palmerston North

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  1. Hi, I live in Hawera and have exotic reptiles and a permit to keep native reptiles and have a lot of geckos so I am aware of what lizards require. I have a young bearded dragon in a large enclosure so if your one is young I could possibly put them together and look after it for you over the 2 weeks. Thanks, Jamie Darbyshire
  2. Thanks for your replies, I will start researching. Thanks, Jamie
  3. Hi, I noticed that when my fish are in the sun their colours come up 10x better that with the light in the tank. The tank light it just standard and come with the tank. If I change the light to a UVA bulb would this increase the colour of the fish without harming them and plants? Thanks, Jamie
  4. Hi, I am currently at Massey University in Palmerston North studying zoology and ecology. I have kept tropical fish for many years and want to get into salt water. I'm in no hurry to get a salt water tank but I might start looking at bits and pieces that I will need now. I'm thinking maybe an AR620T for the tank? My question is, would anyone be willing to help me out with anything that I will need? Such as tank, protein skimmer etc. I will pay for it as long as its a good price as I'm in no hurry for it. Once I get a tank, protein skimmer etc. will anyone be willing to help me out and give me some live rock or corals etc? Any information anyone has about starting a salt water tank will be great! I have started reading but need to do a lot more. Thank you, Jamie Darbyshire
  5. I cannot remember the price but just pay $23.00. You will be sending it to Barbara in New Plymouth right? If this is not the correct price she will inform you
  6. That is the best thing to do. The more cages you look at the better. Auckland greens are very intresting! And yes they are an 'A' permit species. Sorry I lied, I do have Auckland greens!! I currently have 11 (4 green and 7 bright yellow) however I cannot give you some of these as they are part of a breeding program, sorry! If you have any other questions just ask, I am more than happy to help. Thanks, Jamie
  7. Hey, I have got my permit for endangered natives and have heaps of geckos but sorry I do not have any that you will be able to have on your 'A' class permit. One thing I will say it before you construct your cage is to register with the NZHS. There is heaps of people who have taken photos of them constructing their cages at different stages and documented it. It is very useful. Also there is a set of strict guide lines from DoC about cage requirements and these need to be met or they will not give you your permit and if they do but is it not up to their standard many keepers will not want their lizards to go to a cage which does not 'follow the rules'. Make sure your cages are built to the requirements. What species are you wanting to hold and how many? There are minimum sizes for species and the number of lizards for cages. Cages are not cheap to build. For a small cage you will be looking at about $300 if you get the materials very cheap. Thanks, Jamie
  8. Hi JaSa, I understand where you are coming form. What I have read about Moscows is that the have full body colour. I'm interested to see what different colour Moscow guppies people have and breed in New Zealand. I currently have purple Moscows (full body is purple) but am looking at getting some green Moscows and was interested to see what different colours people have in New Zealand. Thanks, Jamie
  9. Hi, Does anyone have Green Moscow guppies?
  10. Hi, What different sorts of Moscow guppies do people have?
  11. JamieDarby


    Thanks for your reply. How long do you think it will take for them to colour up? And what will be the cost for a male and female and to be delivered to Palmerston North? Thanks, Jamie
  12. JamieDarby


    Hi, I really like the look of guppies which have a solid colour such as the Moscow's with large fan tails. The red, blue and purples are awesome! Does anyone know where I will be able to get these from? I live in the Palmerston North area but might consider paying for courier for the fish. Please help! Thank you, Jamie
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