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Everything posted by salmonfisher

  1. they are about two-three cm long
  2. i have little red coloured worms in my tanks and ponds they are not garden worms what are they?
  3. i got a bigger tank today of 10l and planting more weed in it latter on
  4. i do not have any moss but have weed
  5. thanks for the help they didn't die like my last fish which where goldfish ya :dnc1: :fshi: :happy1: :happy2: :bounce:
  6. my minnow has not layed its eegs yet and it getting very big is that bad it has been two weeks it has been getting fatter each day
  7. i have put a couple more minnows in with it and one is a male
  8. thanks how long till it lays its eegs it is very big for a minnow
  9. i have a 5l cold water tank and what wolud be the best plants for it
  10. when i got the minnows today one was full of eegs do i have to put her with a male or not ??
  11. no leaves in the ponds in the wate and got four minnows
  12. i went to cheack the pond before i go and buy some new fish and there are dead leaves in it would they kill fish when the put out gases when they are rotting away??
  13. 40-50l not that deep thou only 30cms deep i am thinking about getting five to start off with and but more later on or should buy more???
  14. how many fish should i have in a really small pond
  15. i am getting them from petworld is $4.90 a good price for them
  16. thanks how much are they roughly
  17. who stocks minnows in christchurch?
  18. ok i am learning to still breed fish
  19. what gravel is best for in a breeding pond and where to get it in christchurch
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