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Posts posted by GuppyHunter

  1. Unfortunately the jack is going out the door... picks on every fish in the tank. Took him out last night and put him in his own tank and now the other tank with the red jewels is peaceful as anything... very cool, but sucks they wont get along.

  2. Ok so all the fish seem to be getting along so far apart from the jack and the pandas... the jack keeps trying to take nips out of the pandas. Should i leave them in there and hope they eventually get along or get rid of the pandas before they get eaten?

  3. Haha oh god, hope hes not like your old one :o. I won a big 30cm one on trademe 6 months ago but when i emailed to make pickup arrangements they gave me the whole "it died over night" speech. Hes doing good in there so far, just trying to understand territories, he'l be first to go before the jack if there is any aggression tho :).

  4. So i bought another tank the other day and am now currently contemplating on what fish to keep in it. (and yes it has been cycled)

    Current tenants:

    - 2x Hoplo cats

    - 2x Panda cats

    - 1x Zebra Loach (hes fine by himself ^^)

    - 1x gba

    - 1x Butterfly sucker

    Theres a million fish i would like but compatibility is always an issue. Suggestions on a couple jack dempseys or blue rams or even both?? any other suggestions are welcome too :) really not too keen or cichlids but jack dempseys would be more than a welcome exemption. Thanks! :)

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