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Posts posted by Rouseabout

  1. Why are you not willing to provied a name of the company?

    I would hate to buy something from a shop and find out it came the same way, when your recomendation would of stopped me instantly.

    :iag: as long as you stick to the facts there is no risk in naming the shop - who knows, it might just help convince them that improvement is required?

  2. Hello All.

    I don't know whether we are meant to give 'plugs' for places here, but have many people been to "Living Reef" in CHCH?

    I don't even have my marine up and going yet, but went in the other day for a look. The tank you first walk into in the store is absolutely incredible, by far the most advanced coral I have ever seen in a private tank.

    Further in the shop, he has coral, and a wall that will shortly be full of fish.

    I would seriously suggest for anyone to go and have a look, it is incredible, and awesome to see this kind of specialist shop in Christchurch.

    Please make sure you support him! I don't want to finish my marine tank and have him disappear!

    I wish him well in his venture!

    Has anyone been in?

    Next time in ChCh on business will definitely make the time to detour there. Appreciate the heads-up, sounds awesome :gpo2:

  3. I agree with you, there should of been a heat pack included! That is very poor on their part and I would be disputing their claim that they always send tropical fish of any sort that way!

    For the white spot my advice is don't do anything! White spot on marines is different to fresh water fish and in my experience it's best to do nothing and keep the fish as less stressed as possible!

    Do you have another tank to put the fish in so the white spot doesn't spread to you other fish?

    If it gets really bad then you can Google how to do a fresh water dip but trust me, if it's not affecting the fishes behavior then don't do anything to treat it and just keep the fish happy, it will eventually go away!

    One thing you could do Bobyn isname the lfs who shipped the fish that way :dnc1: :cry1:

  4. :gpo2:

    As far as I know, plants start to use CO2 as soon as the lights come on whereas CO2 takes a while to fill the water. By the time the lights come on, the CO2 has a one hour head start and giving the tank one hour for the plants to use the last of any remaining CO2 ensures the fish are kept happy and healthy :thup:

    I just noticed your location, feel free to PM me if you wanna take a look at my tanks or visa versa, I'll be just down the road no doubt :wave:

    Now you have me trying to recall all the other science I studied years ago, I.e. the gas laws.maybe I should stop that before it does my head in! :smln: :cofn:

  5. I am assuming from the instructions on the bottle you are using wunder tonic. Whitespot or ich has a 7 day cycle so it is important that you continue the treatment until 7 days after the last spot is seen. After your second dose miss a day and then do a 25% water change and begin the treatment again.

    So dose day 1 & 3, on day 5 do a 25% water change and dose, then a dose on day 7. Repeat until no spots are seen for a week and keep an eye on it for another week afterwards. It will speed the cycle up if you can turn your temperature up to 28 degrees.

    Yes it is the "Wunder" product. Excellent advice tx.n

  6. I have never used melafix in my life and see no need to. What is the active ingrediant in the cure you are using? A number of drugs will fix white spot---methylene blue, malachite green, acriflavine, quinine, mepicrine, common salt etc. The spots you see are the drug resistant stage of the disease and your treatment kills the vegetative stage that emerges from the spots so you need to keep treating after the spots go away to make sure you get them.

    It has malachite green and acriflavine (wunder brand). Appreciate the advice

  7. We have a whitespot outbreak in our Hexy 21.6L tank -certainly looks like little spots on our tetras and the Betta has one spot also.

    Have dosed with the specific whitespot treatment bought from lfs - bottle says dose 1 drop per litre then on day 3 dose 1 drop per 2 litres. What should we do if spots still there after that? Read some posts on here about dosing even after spots have gone?

    Would melafix also treat this? Would melafix be more effective?


    Advice please

  8. :wave:

    Whether a fish becomes a "good community fish" depends on a number of factors;

    number of fish - as fish loving being in a group the more of them you have the better behaved they ought to be towards others.

    size of tank - bigger means more room for territories for individual species

    order they were added - some fish will decide the whole tank is their territory if they are added first

    type of other inhabitants - some cope with more boisterous fish than others

    We have all had similar experiences I am sure and it does make you wonder sometimes why you keep fish! Sometimes this relaxing hobby :dnc1: is anything but :-?


  9. Our story......

    We decided to become "tropical fish owners" back in Nov 2012...we trawled Trade me for weeks looking for a decent tank. Final we found one :) He being the "researcher" of the cpl, researched every site for information, on tanks, fish etc..... We brought our new tank home and started straight away to begin the cycle process. We brought some decorations and some Neon Tetras. A week later we headed to Animates in Bayfair and asked many questions....we came home with 2 x honey dwarf gourami's. We slowly added over the next month or two. We ended up with

    5 x Neon's

    2 x Honey Dwarf's

    2 x Pearl Gourami's

    2 x Bolivian Ram's

    1 x Bristlenose Catfish

    All was going well and they were one big happy family....UNTIL we added some Serpae Tetra's..............within a couple of weeks we lost so many fish :( We were mortified and a little disheartened. So here we are....wanting to hear from

    other fish owners, get advice, share stories and make friends :)

    Hi and welcome. We are new too but funny enough also had trouble with Serpaes - dont know why they are classified as community fish

  10. Sounds like a bacterial bloom which is quite common on a new tank especially during cycling. Just keep doing regular water changes and it will clear up in no time.

    Much appreciated

  11. yes a salt dip, formalin dip or a pair of tweezers

    a bit of salt in the tank may help prevent it coming back

    sorry can't remember the rate :dno:

    OMG this was known as condys crystals when I was a kid and was used to treat sores and fungal infections on feet -

  12. I imagine for the Geos you'd be looking at 10cm in 6 months or so - as Godlyevil said, they can get stunted easy so may be best to move them on sooner rather than later. Rams and Keyholes are dwarf cichlids so won't grow anywhere near that big and should be suitable for a tank your size - just bare in mind they are still cichlids and require quite large territories. Haha yeah, have PMd you a list of the better people to talk to! If in doubt, ask how large their biggest tank is (anything over 200L and you should be safe!) :P

    Geos are gone, along with the 5 silvrtips - surrendered @HFF Albany - thanks for pointer critter_crazy!

  13. Hi, I have a very slight milky haze in my 100L - was advised it is either frm correcting the high pH in my tap water with pH 7.0 powder OR it is algae bloom. Given that a dose ofaccuclear has not fixed it the latter might be correct.

    HFF Albany recommended a UV purifier at $100 -is this the best option and will it also affect my biofilter?

    BTW HFF Albany is an awesome outfit! IMO :cofn:

  14. Hi and welcome. :wave:

    I also agree with Godly3vil, if those tanks are still cycling you are way overstocked and some of the species are unsuitable for such small aquariums.

    Yep still cycling - the Geos are gone from the 100 litre - clearly was given bad advice there but otherwise all finethanks :happy2: :

  15. I run my co2 an hour before the lights come on and turns off an hour before they go off dude.

    What's the point in adding CO2 with the lights off ?- plants only utilise CO2 in the prescence of light plus what do you think your fish have been producing all night while they breathe?

  16. Hi and welcome. :wave:

    I also agree with Godly3vil, if those tanks are still cycling you are way overstocked and some of the species are unsuitable for such small aquariums.

    Thanks for all the feedback. Agree in hindsight I should have done more research but at same time very disappointed with the quality of advice provided by what appeared to be reputable commercial suppliers - its not like i walked into any store and lied about the size of my tanks or my level of knowledge. Enough on that now.

    Other than this website are there any others you would recommend?

    Before anyone panics about the fish stocking levels i would just say that currently all the specimens that will outgrow their surroundings are currently very small so i have a little time to make arrangements. I have also now realised that all the years I spent studying biology and chemistry will finally have a use in the real world - it's taken a while.

    If I do have cycling issues then stocking levels will be right at the top of the list of remedies. The AR126 cycling issues I mentioned originally had been happening for some time and when there were fewer fish in that tank.

    Good to know also that there is a forum on this site for advertising fish available - you may see me posting there too.

  17. Hi hi! I agree you're probably close to your limit, another pair of rams maybe would be ok. Your geos will get too big eventually and will have to be moved after awhile. Sevs and Discus definately get too big, I'd stick to the dwarf cichlids in that tank (unless you want to upgrade :happy2: )

    I work at Animates Botany so will probably see you around :wave: When you're next in ask one of the staff to show you that Pantadon Butterfly fish - really gorgeous top dweller and may be the eyecatcher you're looking for :)

    Thanks everyone!

    So how long until the surinamensis get to full size? - they are only approx 5cm long at moment (though it is hard to gauge - Im thinking of putting a length of plastic ruler inside bottom front edge of the tank).

    Same with the Cichlids and rams - how long until full-sized? - these are just a bit smaller than the surinamensis at the mo.

    I mean if I have a year or two then wont panic at this stage - definitely was not aware at time of purchase how big the surinamensis get (grrrr).

    Critter_Crazy - appears i might have been talking to the wrong person at Botany LOL.The pantadon I have seen and we werent too keen on that.

  18. hi all, just looking for advice - every LFS I go to seems to have a different opinion regarding what fish I should put in my main tank;

    Blue Planet Kingdom 100L - set up New Years Eve 2012

    2 Keyhole Cichlids

    2 Geophagus Surinamensis

    2 Veiltail Rams

    1 Bristlenose Pleco

    1 Flying Fox

    Cycling very well - looking for a few additional fish, particularly in the upper water area and open to ideas. The various cichlids all appear to get on OK. There are rock ornaments with holes plus plants for refuge if they feel the need.

    looking for "Wow" fish to cruise the upper part of the tank. What about a pair of;



    Any others that might be eye-catching? Have been hanging out at Animates Botany and also HFF in the city recently checking out what might work. I got the Rams and Surinamensis pairs from Wonderworld Rotorua.

    Also thinking of another pair of Rams (golden?) - BTW the above pairs are all young (3-4cm body length) and not convinced they are all M/F pairs but not really concerned as wouldnt have anywhere to put offspring.

    Also interested in perhaps 3-4 cats (sterbois?) to graze the gravel.

  19. I am new to tropical fish keeping. We had a small tank for goldfish which we stopped using a couple of years ago. Started it up just after xmas day 2012 for my sons birthday and due to a number of issues and opportunities (to spend all my money) now have three tanks as follows;

    AR126 22L - the original tank - in my Son's room

    6 Rummy-noseTetras

    1 Albino Cory

    1 Golden Algae eater

    1 Flying Fox

    have had some issues cycling this tank - once it settles down just want to add one Betta (lost the one we originally had in here due to water quality issues). Have a large ornament plus a few plants.

    Blue Planet Hexy 21.6L - in my Daughters room

    6 Neon Tetras

    1 Betta

    1 Bristlenose Pleco

    1 Chinese Algae Eater

    1 Flying Fox

    Cycling reasonably well and no plans to add any further fish. Have a small ornament plus a few plants.

    Blue Planet Kingdom 100L - in the lounge

    5 Silvertip Tetras (these are leaving soon)

    2 Keyhole Cichlids

    2 Geophagus Surinamensis

    2 Veiltail Rams

    1 Bristlenose Pleco

    1 Flying Fox

    Cycling very well - looking for a few additional fish, particularly in the upper water area and open to ideas. The various cichlids all appear to get on OK. There are rock ornaments with holes plus plants for refuge if they feel the need.

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