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Posts posted by 91 ZERO

  1. Yup, just plastic chain weighted down - makes a great hitching post. Since they are still very small, they can easily hold on to the coral rock, candy cane, and finger leather too. There are plenty of caves to hide in as well to keep out of the current as they can get tired! The outlet nozzle from the pump is angled horizontally and the wavemaker intensity is also turn down so the current in the tank is quite mild so they don't get blown around!

  2. I bought two large pieces of live rock on the weekend and after inspecting it all prior to putting in, I found one of these hiding in it too. Quite amazing how it managed to squeeze into the crevace it was in!! Didn't want it in the tank trying to take a nip out of a seahorse so managed to pry it out with some tweezers. Body was about 30mm across. Some big pincers on it!

  3. You can get distilled water from Repco too. Only a few bucks for a 2L bottle.

    Or if you have big enough containers I can fill them up, but my RO system is very slow and will take bloody ages to fill up 40L.

  4. Small update.. now have four Seahorses in the tank and will probebly just leave it at that for the moment.

    Decided to remove the two Cardinals and they are currently on holiday in my friends tank. Reason being they definately aren't the slow eaters I thought they were, so didn't want them around while the Seahorses are still settling in eating all their food. Seahorses doing good so far. Got a rock skipper to vacuum up left over food left - he is a character!

  5. Just noticed a slight increase in my phosphate level, barely - but it is there.

    Any good recommendations for a good remover? I have heard good things about the some media filter bags you leave in your sump and the D-D ROWAphos GFO Removal Media Kit has drawn my attention.

    Would this be ok?

    It is a 275L (with a 60L sump) reef tank.



  6. Prior to re-joining the Air Force, I was in the Auto trade for 5 years, and as others have said, you don't NEED to get the rotors skimmed every brake pad change. Unless there is a noticable lip or gouges in the disc, I wouldn't worry.

    The only thing is, if you or your partner intend on replacing the brake pads yourselves to save money, put that saved money towards a decent set of pads, not cheap and nasty $40 ones.

    And give the pads a quick scuff with some medium grit sandpaper before you put them in. You don't need to go to town on them, just a very brief rough up. Then once in, bed them in properly. ie drive down the road and brake heavily (but don't stop), and do that a few times in succession.

    Buy a brake piston spreader too, they are only $10 from Repco. They make life REALLY easy when putting the pads in!

  7. Yeah I may take you up on that Rob if thats alright, cheers.

    Even though we have only had them one day, have been keeping a really close eye on their feeding to ensure they are getting something to eat. The little brown one is fiesty as, it scoots around and eats like a... horse. The big yellow one seems mellow, goes for a swim, then hangs out for ages, haven't seen him eat yet. The two Cardinals despite being "slow eaters" are enjoying the brine shrimp if it goes past them, but I don't want the big seahorse to miss out. So may look at relocating the Cardinals temporarily while the Seahorses settle more in? Or am I being overcautious?

    Its funny, the Cardinals tend to keep their distance from the 'horses, don't think they know what to make of them.

  8. Cheers :D . Well we aren't using a wave maker yet as our old one died so have ordered another so the only flow is from the outlet so they aren't getting blown around and they are quite happily wrapping their tails around the nooks and crannies in the rock, the red plant, and chain. The big yellow one has already found a cave he likes :lol:

  9. Been a while since I have posted an update. Finally got the tank shifted to our new home after having been looked after for so long by our mate Sam at his house (was a wedding present by him and me to my now wife (Sam actually has his own 400L marine tank now after selling his tropical tank).

    So in the tank now is:

    1 x Starfish

    1 x Pyjama Cardinal

    1 x Bangai Cardinal

    and.... 2 x seahorses!! Finally! :thup:

    And we will just leave it at that while we get into a good routine with the tank.

    Thanks to Rob (SeaDragon) for letting us bowl round last night and have a look at your tank!

    Will post pics soon.


  10. Na no horses yet :( still waiting on Wonderworld to get them in. After talking direct with shops overseas it seems to be going around in circles. So just hurry up and wait I guess. One of the marine gurus at a petshop down here has contacts in NZ and harrases them on a weekly basis for me. So if anyone else knows if any??

    I will get some photos up shortly. All animals and coral seem to be happy!

    Just got back today from honeymoon in Rarotonga, and the amount of fish and coral I wanted to smuggle back was incredible haha. Bright blue star fish well over a foot in diameter surprised me.

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