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Everything posted by booger

  1. ok i got another tank and moved the angels. so now my babies will be safe
  2. Cool. I will see you then. Very interested in the algae thing your doing also would like to see the range of plants up for auction. Catch you on Tuesday. Have a good weekend. :lol:
  3. hi kim. hope you are well. and your babies are growing for the auction..... ha ha When is the August meeting please. I would like to come along. My husband has just bought home another tank twice as big as mine. Although he says its his I have to do all the work :evil: It will be good to have a look at what goes on and get some advice on a few things. Cheers Susan P.S my water is sooooo clear, still after a 4 foot light
  4. are the babies in any danger from being eaten or harrassed by other fish in the community tank? angels platys sharks swordtails plecos guppies cheers susan
  5. interesting little critters arent they. i didnt even know mine had been doing it...... ha ha
  6. thanks kim. my water looks amazing must be the new filter :lol:
  7. thanks carol. since they have started breeding will they continue to do so? how often will i expect new critters? i bought a female on the off chance that i had a male as he didnt have very many bristles, but it worked :lol:
  8. I have just noticed i have got babies only 4 of them. i cant see any eggs or the mother. what do i feed them and how old would they be they are 12-15mm long. thanks i'm very excited.
  9. last night i put one teaspoon of plain table salt in the tank didnt want to put too much in and shes in a 16 litre tank. now this morning she is still alive but the fluff is gone...... did the salt help or did the fluff drop off?
  10. sorry what kind of salt would i use i have got plain table salt or sea salt? thanks
  11. how would it have got fungus? i cant isolate as i dont have another tank also will the babies get it?
  12. i have got a female platy with white fluff around her bum. she is in a tank with another female platy they are both curently having babies. is the white fluff normal? or will i have to buy medicine
  13. dont spose your working tomorrow, would you mind a visitor
  14. cheers kim, you sound very wise must be the fact that you have ya own fish shop ay.... ha ha i would like to come and meet you and discuss fishy things if that was alright. could you tell me where your shop is again please. thanks susan
  15. just a dumb question...... do you move the siphon up and down on the gravel so as not to disturb anything or just willy nilly moving the gravel around so that when you have finished the tank looks really murky and disgusting?
  16. thanks for your input. i seem to suck about 50% of water when i do a gravel siphon i have a 4 foot tank. is this normal water loss or am i going to slow on the siphon.
  17. how often would you suck the crap off the gravel? and how often and how much would you do a water change please. thanks susan
  18. i have got fry not sure who had them, platy swordtail or guppie they kinda look the same at the moment but they all sit at the bottom of the tank. they are in there alone no plants or parents is this ok for them
  19. why do you need floating plants? is that in case the little critters dont survive to reach the java moss on the bottom? cheers susan
  20. booger

    Hi from Wanganui

    Welcome. I to am kinda new but I have got kuhli loaches in my community tank. On the bottom I have got the normal small pebbles that you get from the pet shop and my kuhli seem to slither their way through them ok. You hardly see them out in public but when you do they are quite interesting to watch. They generally hide under a piece of driftwood I have put in there.
  21. cheers krib crazy, i have a plant pot on its side like everyone suggested and theres no evidence of eggs in it, i also have a few other hidey things in the tank that im unable to get a closer look at if she lays them in there
  22. does she change colour after laying the eggs? she is still very large and purple, i dont think she has layed them yet
  23. Increase what Alan?
  24. I dont actually have that many fish in the tank at the moment. I've got 1 catfish 2 albino kribensis 1 angel 1 sword tail 2 sharks 2 neon tetras 1 bristlenose 3 plecos (they seem to do really bigs poos that the filter doesnt absorb ) is this too many fish in the tank? cheers for ya help
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