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Dr A

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Posts posted by Dr A

  1. Bad news, Mr Betta is getting worse not better.

    He's lost allot of color, becoming less active, and his fins are looking a little clamped. Noticed a small roughed up patch of scales too.

    I've been doing large-ish water changes (pre-heating and mixing the water to minimize system shock), and keeping his diet varied.

    Feeling pretty down about his prospects at the moment...

  2. Yeah, I quite like the hemmed in / overgrown thing with almost oversized plants (like

    ).I actually have another identical sword in the same position but further back, it's very hard to see and grown almost laterally due to having to compete for light (and the light from above being weaker).

    If I removed the front sword I'd want a bit of driftwood to add some hight/depth to the tank.

    One of the other issues (moaning) is the lack of flow I get in there, hence me having the outflow of the filter in a funny spot. I move it round quite a bit to get some different currents going on.

    Final note is that the tank looks balanced from the front, but odd from a 3/4 view (where my couch is) it looks unbalanced.

  3. Problem I have with it now is that the Amazon Sword in the front right has grown about 5x as fast as everything else.

    I feel for it though, that was the first plant I ever got, and I think the only surviving one.

    Debating now about using some valray ferts as well.

    ATM I'm doing 1mil flourish daily, I'd like to start cutting that back too (although for $18 odd dollars for over half a year's worth of dosing maybe that's OK).

    Also ummming and arrring about a DIY CO2 rig.

    Anyway, I'm not super happy with the state of things, but it's all progress right.

    I dream of having a bigger thank: I've de-rimmed my old quarantine tank (I think it's a whole 27 Litres or thereabouts).

    I need to see if it's still watertight after this and we'll go from there.

  4. You can actually visibly see the "lip" (provided you've taken the disc off) around the outside of disc. If the it's worn down to circa 50% of the original total depth you should just replace it though.

    And yeah, that price is way over the top, new rotors shouldn't cost too much...

    Buy your Husband the relevant Haynes manual.

  5. Nice milestone last night, I didn't do a water change for 2 weeks and still found no detectable levels of nitrites/nitrates when testing.

    Guess that makes the tank a mature dirted/walstad setup. I went ahead and did a water change anyway.

    Haven't had an amazing carpet of my Lilaeopsis novae-zeelandiae form, although I haven't been been trimming it yet, as I've been waiting to get established.

    I've been dosing 1ml of Excell Flourish, I may cut that down now and see what happens. Only detectable algae is of the Green Spot kind.

    Want a few more crypts, and still may add a small bit of wood to add hight.

    Mission successful so far!

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