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Dr A

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Posts posted by Dr A

  1. I guess if you're allowed to keep you know, lions, tigers and elephants - koi aren't such a problem. Unlike the aforementioned though, people might think seeing them in a public setting is "normalizing" behavior, encouraging the keeping of them in private ponds.

    Perhaps they should do a "Koi are bad" exhibit with smelly green water next to a nice clear pond with native wildlife.

    Auckland Zoo used to have them as well; although I haven't been for ages.

  2. This maybe a bit of a long shot, but have a read of this website.

    The guy lives in Wisconsin which gets cold. He's some sort of engineer who does the whole aquaponics thing in his spare time so the problem he faces is the opposite of the one you face (he needs to keep his fish warm in winter).

    Along with several articles about thermal mass, entropy etc etc, he's basically come up with a plan to keep his fish warm: convert old unused/dead chest freezers into fish-tanks. The idea being they're free or very cheap, already watertight and very well insulated. Because he eats the fish he coats them in something on the inside, but it's not too big of a stretch to maybe do the same thing to keep a body of water cold rather than warm.

    Food for thought anyway. I appreciate a chest freezer doesn't look as pretty as a glass sided fish tank, but one stuck under your house, or a shady spot in general may work perfectly to prevent your water getting warm.

    Since you only have small tanks you could maybe turn a bar fridge/freezer into a mini summer home for your guys?

  3. Thanks Dr A, I have a few CP but have not decided which to repot....might still have time before they reach full growing time i.e. wake from winter hibernation. It's funny you say that about the rocks/stones in the bottom of a pot and thanks for clarifying that.....I had been confused by the interweb.....I guess as long as the roots are not sitting i.e have short roots in water the plants will be fine. Cheers.

    Yeah you're leaving most of them a bit late to re-pot most species, although I've had to do it in both spring and summer before and been okay.

    Now's the time to re-pot nepenthes though...

    All my outdoor CP's have got new growth coming through.

  4. Many CP's (carnivorous Plants) love undrained pots; especially if they are not unglazed terracotta pots - specifically the various species that will grow in bogs. Sarracenia, Venus Fly Traps and Sundews are all easy to come by and easy to grow in undrained containers (normally called mini-bogs).

    They generally require a lot of light, and a general mixture 1/3rd each of sand, peat and perlite with some sphagnum chucked in on top will get you away.

    There is heaps of info online on the specifics....

  5. So I found an ancient giant pothos plant at one of my warehouses - no pics pre it's trimming but the single longest of it's vines would have been 40+ m long; so far it grew all the way to one side of the building up amongst the rafters so they turned it round and directed it back the other way. The middle sections of the vine had gone all manky and yellow but the tips were still green and healthy - probably due to the lack of lighting.

    I plonked a section of it in my tank... it's gone insane. Took about a week to root, and now it's doubled in length in a month. The roots are so thick I think it's beginning to stifle the filter intake and green algae is growing on them (lack of water flow I suspect).

    Has anyone had any success trimming the roots?

    I'll pop up some pictures tonight. 0 nitrites/nitrates is nice.

  6. Could bang one of these things in for $60.

    Set it's maximum temperature to slightly higher than what the attached heater is running at (IE 27 degrees, actual temp in tank is ~25), that way you'd have to experience a double failure to cook any fish.

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