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mts sufferer

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Posts posted by mts sufferer

  1. Hi, I was at a garage sale last week and got a free piece of fibre glass fake wood from an old gas heater that they couldn't sell, I grabbed it because I thought it might look good in my tank. So I was wondering if anyone knows if it would be ok in a tank with out leaching toxins and killing the fish. Thanks :D





  2. Hi

    In the last few days my male guppies fins has been nipped I think by my neons.

    They took a large chunk out of his tale and there is only the stump of his dorsal fin left.

    So I yesterday I put him in a breeder box thing and he seemed fine, was swimming around fine, was eating and had no sign of fungal infections fin rot etc.

    But today when I got home he was lying upside down on the bottom, I looked closer and he started half heartedly swimming doing loops on his side and upside down. Then drifting back to the bottom.

    All the other fish seem fine.

    Does anyone know why this could be? Should I put some wunder tonic or aquarium salt with him or is there some other treatment? :dunno:

    Thanks :hail:

  3. I saw a very sad and unhealthy looking fish that was labelled as a leaf fish at the tower junction animates in chch, it was animates though so it could have been anything for all they know. :roll:

    It didn't look much like the pictures before.

  4. Hi

    When I was in Timaru last weekend I saw an Indian Banded Gourami (Trichogaster fasciata) at the LFS and I had never seen any of them before. I was really tempted to get it but sadly the shop was closed on sundays which was the day I was going home and I had no way of keeping warm for a day. &c:ry

    So I was wondering if anyone knows how common they are in New Zealand and how often they are imported.

    Thanks :D

  5. Ok, so I was thinking 4-5 panda cories, a dwarf gourami of some description, maybe a few ottos, a male guppy and a small group of either emerald dwarf raspora or celestial pearl danio. Does that sound all right?

    Does anyone know emerald dwarf raspora are available in New Zealand because I haven't seen any before? Thanks :D

  6. Hi Guys

    My 12 year old sister is getting her first aquarium this week end. She is getting the aqua one 380 aquarium which is 34 litres. http://www.redwoodaquatics.co.nz/product_pcid_795.html

    She wants to get a dwarf gourami, some cories, some Zebra danios, some guppies, some kind of algae eater and some kind of tetra or some harlequin rasboras.

    She knows there is no way that she will be able to have all of these fish in such a small tank.

    What would be the best fish for this tank, is there any that aren't suitable or aren't compatible from her wants list or is there some other fish that are more suitable? She is most interested in some cories and the gourami.

    Also is there another better kind/brand of tank out there that is about the same size (no wider or longer than 500mm and 320mm, is in the same price range, still comes with all the stuff and is available in Christchurch as I haven't heard all good things about this one

    thanks :D :bounce:

  7. Hi I joined a while ago and have been lurking around but haven't got around to introducing my self.

    I have a 60 litre tank with neon tetras, guppies, and a bristle nose (boring I know :slfg: ). As well as a couple of honey gourami and some black mollies.

    I also have a 20 litre and a 10 litre guppy and black Mollie grow out tank.

    Hopefully in the future after the house has been fixed :roll: I will get a 300ish litre community and a hatchet fish or/as-well as a dwarf cichlid tank. And no doubt anything else that takes my fancy. :thup:

  8. I have also kept two male honey gouramis together with no problems, and one male to one female. You may find that at first the honey gouramis might hide, but once they are established they are all ways at the front. :D

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