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Everything posted by maboona

  1. No smidey,but I thought after one week and fifty views an answer would not have been unreasonable. Which is exactly why I asked the question,the answer of which still eludes me. If the OB and red zebra are both Metriaclima estherae,would the young be hybrids, or put another way,when breeding O/Bs, would you normally go with 2 O/Bs or with an O/B Red combo to keep the strain pure and healthy.
  2. Thanks for your answer If the reds and the OB were pure, would the offspring be ?
  3. Thanks all for rushing to help I went to an international forum and had an answer in 13 minutes.
  4. Probably a silly question,but have tried researching but with no success. I have access to a nice O B male,would it be right to pair him up with my red females or should he only be put with female O Bs I know they are both estherae but different morphs. I keep thinking back to my younger years,when breeding budgerigars, if you had an albino or lutino, you would always put it with a standard colour,never together. Cheers for any advice.
  5. update: have purchased some estherae fry,now just looking for a nice male and still looking for callainos cheers if anyone can help.
  6. still looking folks if anyone can help :spop:
  7. maboona

    Hi from Kapiti

    thanks everyone.... ..I think. :lol:
  8. Thanks, will keep an eye out for a more local response, but if nothing comes up,are you happy to ship.?
  9. Hi all I am setting up a second Mbuna tank and would like to keep some Cobalt Blue and some Red Zebras along with the Yellow Labs I already have, and am planning to keep the males in one tank and the females in another, and pair the fish as reqd into a third tank to avoid any hybrids if breeding looks likely.(I have had some success with my labs and found the experience very enjoyable) Thing is, I want to keep pure, good quality fish, and am wondering if anyone here can put me onto a nice male and two or three females of each ( callainos and estherae ) . I have decided on these two mbuna as they should get on ok with the labs I have,plus I am trying to keep to 10cm fish. I live on the kapiti coast. Any comments and thoughts welcome.
  10. maboona

    Hi from Kapiti

    Hi all Obviously new here Was given half a dozen neon tetras in a bowl for my fiftieth birthday seven years ago and I still have six Any way the interest has stayed with me, and I now have 5 tanks of various sizes gurgling,whining,buzzing and bubbling in my lounge. I purchased half a dozen yellow labs and three dems about six months ago, have still got the labs and have developed a liking for the africans,hence my handle. Will be picking a few brains here so please bare with me if I ask the odd silly one harry
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