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Everything posted by desotojoe

  1. Ok so it turned out he was just getting ready to shed his skin. Ha ha :slfg:
  2. Ok so upon further studding of my beardie its not a "tan" I think he was just trying absorb more heat. Thanks everyone Im a newbie to dragons and just wanted to check.
  3. I can see a colour difference where he slept with his Heath under his log n tail under another plant so I think it must have something to do with light?
  4. My beardy slept under his heat lamp last night and looks darker this morning. The light is far enough away that he can't get burnt but us this normal? Cheers
  5. when i clicked on that link i notice it was missing the om from the .com juet typed it in and it worked for me.
  6. Thanks FACEAnthrax i have been using the mesclin salad from super maket but people had told me it was bad and others good so its good to get a definite answer. cheers
  7. After searching everywhere i could on the net and also looking in the book I have I haven't been able to find a good salad recipe for my bearded dragon. So I thought i would start a thread so people can share their recipes. I find info on bearded dragon food really confusing and quite often contradicting so knowing salads other people are using that are working would be a great help. Cheers
  8. I recently got a beardie and have a few normal newbie questions. My dragon is about 4 years old. He doesnt seam to eat much of his vegies i give him. I have been making up salad from greated apple pumpkin potato mesclin salad a little bit of carrot parsley or green beans. I have also been feeding him about 6 meal worms a day. I got told to give him calcium every day except sunday and give him vitamins on sunday is this right? Also how often should he poo? I tried giving him a bath ( about 28 degrees) how long should i bath him for? Also i have one of those water well things he doesnt seam to drink much again is that normal? Also there is a little bit of red just under his bottom lip at the front is that also normal? Thanks for any help and i will up a pic of the red soon. Cheers Joe Umm and how do i upload a pic? :slfg:
  9. Hi I recently got a bearded dragon and thought it would be good to know if there is a vet that specializes in reptiles in or around hamilton. Cheers
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