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Posts posted by superico

  1. sorry for not updating :roll: :facepalm:

    i have been to lazy to take pics or post

    so the news are:

    the land plants are in the back

    water is in

    filter is running

    aquatic plant are in and it has been running 3 weeks now

    I'm unsure if it has cycled as the filter started running from Tuesday 25 of September. On Saturday 29 the plants went in

    and i tested the water and there were 0 ppm ammonia. I then went to Auckland until next Tuesday and tested the water on Saturday 13 of October and had 0.30 ppm of ammonia.

    I then tested again Monday and today with no ammonia.

    What do you think? Is it cycled?

    PS: i will post pics soon

  2. hi people,

    over the last few months i have been planning and preparing for my first aquarium/paludarium.


    tank: 106cmx60cm highx56cm deep with two dividers in the back and a water line of 30-35cm.

    lights:90cm Glo T5 39w twin fixture

    filter: 2215 eheim classic

    co2:6.5kg bottle with UP solenoid and inline diffuser(Atwan's old system)

    heaters: fluval m series 100 and a 20w substrate heater

    ferts: co2, jbl root balls,seachem flourish and 15kg of jbl aqua basis plus

    so far i have made 3 scapes but cant decide which on




  3. hello,

    im am setting up a roughly 120 liter tank and have a choice between 2 light hoods

    one is a arcadia (so very good quality) T8 80W for $250

    and the other is this http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/f ... 706044.htm

    it is questionable in quality and there is one bit that is kind of weird *Individual power cords for each function

    but the T5 one is half the price

    any advice on which one to take would be greatly appreciated

    thanks superico

    PS: they both come with bulbs

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