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Posts posted by SHRPLS

  1. thanks all... hey SHRPLS do u have any pics? thats sounds fantastic!!!

    I have some more plants coming this week. When I have them planted I will start a new topic with pics :)

    In just two days the moss has starting coming out :happy2:

    Watch this space!

  2. Hey another idea instead of getting rid of it. Is use it in a fry tank or put it between to pieces of gutter guard then cable tie together. and stick it to the side of your tank. it ends up making a nice looking java moss wall....... But the best moss to use for that would be XMAS MOSS

    I have just done that in my tank. I got plastic wind breaker mesh and cut to the size of my back wall but doubled. Filled it with java moss and folded it over and tied it shut with fishing line. I then stuck it to the glass with suction cups. The moss is starting to grow out already. A few months and I will have an awesome moss background :happy2:

  3. Thanks for the info guys. Funny how the LFS says "it will be fine in your tank". Anything for a sale huh.

    It chases my tigerbarbs out of its cave when they go exploring but other than that it seems to get along with them fine. It is only 60mm currently so will look at a new tank down the road a bit or perhaps find him a new home.

  4. I have just realised none of us has mentioned you will need a much bigger tank for that rainbow shark :wink:

    Oh really?

    They get to about 100mm-120mm? Is that right?

    What about my bristlenose?

  5. Hi Everyone.

    My name is James and I am developing a healthy addiction to tropical fish keeping

    Thought I would say hi as I keep reading just about everything I can trying to learn it all, haha:)

    I have a 90 litre (AR620) that has been set up for about 4 weeks now (almost cycled). It is only my second tank so I am still learning from my mistakes as I go along. I had a 30 litre tank prior with an internal filter that just kept killing all my fish. Sold that one and moved into something bigger and better.

    I have 6 Tiger Barbs, 1 Rainbow Shark and a Bristlenose Pleco in there for now. Will look into a couple of Striata Loaches when cycled.

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