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Everything posted by sarahny

  1. I just got some potted lilaeopsis mauritius and zealandia sword. Should I keep them in their pots for a while to acclimate to my tank? Or will they be ok to plant straight away? I also just planted some dwarf sag and twisted val on monday and some of the leaves look transparent and some are yellow now. Will they bounce back? I keep seeing comments about plants “melting”. I don’t think I’ve even seen a plant “melt” before...what does it mean?
  2. I found ammonia btw if anyone is looking for it. I got it from Amcal pharmacy (Cuba St in Wgtn), it's 25% ammonia, $4 for 25ml. They can pour you however much you want and they have concentrates up to 70%. The pharmacist said probably only their metro branches stock it as there are science/chemistry students around that are always asking for it. I tried Life pharmacy as well with no luck so it pays to ask around!
  3. Hi there! That would be amazing! I just bought a tub of noodles yesterday so that works out perfect. PM me with your address and a time that would be good for you and I can pop around tonight.
  4. Ok thanks for the advice!
  5. Poor goldfish, they have tried to treat it but it doesn't go away. Haha ok thanks for the suggestion Caryl. I live in the CBD, so if there is anyone out there that could help me with established filter media I would be very grateful. I also have a car so I can pop over to the suburbs as well.
  6. Thanks for the tip. I will change my location now. My parents have a massive goldfish tank but they don't use a filter (so can't nab any filter media). They have lots of gravel though which I could take and put into my internal filter. However, I just noticed one of their goldfish has a small white lump attached to it's dorsal fin. This makes me a bit nervous about taking anything from their tank, which is why I thought I should start my cycle from scratch. Would it be ok to use the gravel? Or better be safe than sorry?
  7. Hi everyone, I'm Sarah from Wellington (CBD). I'm in the process of setting up a new tropical tank for a betta. I've kept goldfish before, but this will be my first foray into tropical. I'm also interested in trying out some aquascaping. I'm waiting for all the equipment I ordered to arrive so I can start cycling my tank. Two quick questions to start off: Anyone know where to get ammonia??? This stuff is such a mission to find. The raw fish method will be my last resort if I can't get my hands on any (don't really want to stink out my flat). Are there any betta breeders in Wellington??? (Or elsewhere that will ship?) I've gone to Animates Hutt rd & Lower Hutt, The Pet Centre Lower Hutt & Porirua and they only have veil tails, and only black/blue and the odd red one. I have a few other questions re new tank set up but will start a new thread in the correct section. Thanks guys!
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