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Posts posted by nudge

  1. trophs usually do better in tang tanks but people do keep them with malawis. It would be best to get at least 15, 20 would be better. They are highly aggressive amongst themselves thats why they do better in large groups as this spreads out the aggression, get in touch with smidey on here think he has some pembas for sale but they would need to be grown out in a smaller tank till they are bigger as i think they would become fish food in your tank.

  2. i would hold off on adding more dolphins yours are at a nice size and a good ratio of m/f do they get on ok? i would be wary of upsetting the balance, one of those things i guess you won't know till you try, but 6 fully grown dolphins would be a bit of a squeeze in a tank that size. You could add more electric yellows or even another group of haps.

    How do you find the convicts are they breeding yet? i heard they get pretty stroppy when breeding

  3. dolphins get pretty big what are the dimensions of your tank thats more important than the litres. On the other hand they are very slow growing what size are your 4 dolphins that you have already?

  4. What do you want to achieve exactly? if you want to breed your peacocks you need a male and 4-6 females all of the same breed. If you want to breed your orange db you need orange db males and females if you want to breed your lemon jake you need females and a male that are all lemon jakes. If you breed them with random females you will get hybrid fish.

    I think you will struggle to find females for your peacocks as there are not many of these types on the market and you would need a whole lot of tanks to keep them in. Peacock breeding groups should be kept separated, only 1 breeding group per tank to avoid crossbreeding, plus all the females look very similar and are hard to tell apart so not a good idea to mix females all in 1 tank.

    I would stick with all males in your setup and rehome the female, if you want to breed some fish I would concentrate on your colony of electric yellows the chances of them crossbreeding with ya peacocks is small.

  5. Look for a 2nd hand 2ftr on tm, that would be good for her and as a growout. Still think you should rehome her peacocks are harem breeders 1 male to many females, not 1 female to many males. If you keep her in the current tank with all those males it will turn into carnage. I kept an all male peacock/hap tank and had trouble keeping that setup calm, you have basically an all male peacock tank with a single female not a good ratio.

    Sorry but you have some nice peacocks which are new to nz to me if she survives in that setup you are gonna end up with a whole lot of hybrid fish which even if you label as hybrids if you sell them its just adding more rubbish to our pool of fish. Not trying to tell you what to do just expressing my opinion, hope I don't offend.

  6. My tap wter was a low kh to but the ph stayed pretty stable at 7-7.2 I have recently moved and we are on tank water so I am adding baking soda and Epsom salt to boost my kh which now sits on kh12 and ph 8, easy enough to do if you are worried and want to bring your kh up. IMO if its stable out of the tap then don't mess with it

  7. I notice your fronts are quite dark have you always used a dark background? maybe try pulling a few rocks out maybe a pile at each end with the middle all open, if there is less in the way of wood and rocks in the tank then maybe they will come out of hiding and use the whole tank

  8. I had the same thing with my trophs when they were small (3-5cm) they all seemed to just hang around the rocks now they are larger 6-8cm they are way more active all levels of the water column, I think mine have become more active as the males have matured.

  9. +1 to what ryan and smidey have said if you have to stick with the 4ftr forget the giraffes. These guys get way to big, even if you had some short term and moved them on when they got bigger imo you'd miss out on seeing the giraffes when they are at their best at 20cm+. The taiwans with a group of Jacobs and yellows or dems would be cool

  10. I would think you would need to add more than 12 noodles into your filter, transfer all the media from your existing filter to the cf1200 to kick start your cycle if you have all ready transferred your yellows across to the new tank then make sure you test the ammonia nitrite and nitrates daily. a group of yellows in a new tank with only 12 noodles in a cf1200 might be a bit to much for it to cope with.

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