Some of you may know me through Kapi Mana fish Club and or the Pet Centre, My name is Robert and I have been toying with the idea of trying to organise a some thing for the benefit of all the local interested Wellington marine fish keepers.
I am interested in trying to guage interest in the following:
1. a marine tank Crawl
2. a frag swap as I think that this is the best way to spread the corals around without costing us arms and legs
3. give aways of bits and pieces that we have surplus. An example of this is through my work I have someone who throws away 10 x 25L food grade containers. Some of you will already have some of these. I know that other people peridically have surplus macro algae etc
I guess I was thinking along the lines of maybe a quarterly get together? under the auspices of FNZAS/Kapi Mana but seperate ish from it.
Feel free to reply and let me know what you think. If you are keen reply or PM. I will get a list together and see where we can go from there