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  1. Some of you may know me through Kapi Mana fish Club and or the Pet Centre, My name is Robert and I have been toying with the idea of trying to organise a some thing for the benefit of all the local interested Wellington marine fish keepers. I am interested in trying to guage interest in the following: 1. a marine tank Crawl 2. a frag swap as I think that this is the best way to spread the corals around without costing us arms and legs 3. give aways of bits and pieces that we have surplus. An example of this is through my work I have someone who throws away 10 x 25L food grade containers. Some of you will already have some of these. I know that other people peridically have surplus macro algae etc I guess I was thinking along the lines of maybe a quarterly get together? under the auspices of FNZAS/Kapi Mana but seperate ish from it. Feel free to reply and let me know what you think. If you are keen reply or PM. I will get a list together and see where we can go from there Rob
  2. Take your time and watch the algae grow for a bit. When it settles down I will find you some frags
  3. I have some if you want it. Also Witchdoktor has loads
  4. I suspect that you still have a few months wait for sea horses from Wonderworld. Last year they come out in May and were april the year before that. Need one of the other importers to bring some in and that will keep us both happy.
  5. There is a resonible amount left in Lower Hutt pet centre and I suspect that they will have new stock in in Porirua as well
  6. Also be aware that the pet centre had a delivery of stuff today although I expect that most will be gone fast. There were some nice bits there when I was in today
  7. I was suggesting petone as I had seen the sun coral there in the weekend and that makes sense as they buy stuff from wonderworld. The Linkias that are round at the moment are a really stunning deep blue and nice
  8. Congratulations and glad she liked it. You went shopping in petone
  9. I have a blue linkia in each of my tanks and have had no problems with the one in the seahorse tank. I have lalso had a brittle star in each tank with no problem and I find these are great at cleaning up after messy eaters. The brittle stars come with a note of caution as there are cases of them eating slow moving things and seahorses fall into that category. I would also be cautious with hermit crabs and seahorses. I learnt this one the hard and very expensive way.
  10. I use the plastic chain that you get at Mitre 10 and cable tie it to small pieces of live rock. they seem to like it. They have a number of different colours and the colur will help the colour of the seahorse. I use yellow. I agree that I hate artifuial and I will reduce the amount as the Gorgonians grow bigger
  11. SeaDragon


    Yellow Reidi. They are cute and very hypnotic cratures to watch
  12. SeaDragon


    I have a pair at the moment that I hope will breed. I belive that Wonderworld in Rotorua currently have some in stock at the moment.
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