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Posts posted by Colin

  1. Hi everyone,

    I have a pair of Rio Ucayali they are fully grown and in a tank together the male has his own pot that is cut in half and has always been in it since it was added to the tank, i was hoping they would breed does anyone have any pointers on how i could get these to breed, thanks

  2. Hi,

    Does anyone know why my corydoras have red gills?, have tested ammonia which is zero and dont know what else would cause this, the tank is a aqua one aqua start 500 about 80L, and is running a cf1000 filter.

    Does anyone know why they have red gills?


  3. Can you get the local petshop or a friend to do a test also to make sure your test results are right.

    Yes that might be a good idea, i trust the tests ive done because the other tanks ive got are all ok just seems strange that it is only one tank :dunno: if it was the test kits then i thought i would get the same results from my other tanks???

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