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  1. I have a 250 litre community tank that seems to be tending towards larger fish. Everything seems to be either silver, brown or orange. Does anyone have any ideas for reasonable sized, nonagressive blue fish except for gouramis? I have a red tail black shark, two silver sharks, four clown loaches, six bristlenoses, six tiger barbs, eight danios, six platys, and down to about six neon tetra - the sharks seem to be snacking at night on the tetras
  2. The red tail keeps chasing the bala sharks, actually he chases everything. Never tries to catch anything so he will be alright for a while yet (hopefully) I just keep trying to count the neon tetras to see if they are all still trere. Anyone know how to make them stay still to be counted?
  3. Hello from chilly Dunedin. I have been lurking for quite a while but well, I'm shy My partner and I started with a 50l tank a year and a half ago and then about a year ago we got a 250l tank. Would have more but, normal story, no room. We have a very basic community tank setup in the big tank, plattys, tiger barbs, two bala sharks four and a half clown loaches (one is a dwarf) danios, harlequinsvariety of tetra,bristlenose catfish a brand new hopla catfish, and one red tailed black shark. Was typing this out and finding extra fish. It doesn't look that many, but it really sounds a lot. The little tank has just been setup again, half a dozen kribensis in it until I can find somewhere / someone to give them to. I think that is the highlights really, and I promise I will try to stop lurking.
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