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Posts posted by the-obstacle

  1. I've never had a sub$400 order stopped and I order a fair amount of stuff from the UK and the states including clothing items. If you go over $400 it's another story though and they won't release (deliver) the goods until the duty/gst is paid. If the total order including shipping is less than $400 then you'll be sweet.

  2. as an absolute fluke a friend got his ear pierced at the top of the lobe on his left ear and his allergies and hay fever went away. Turns out the piercer hit the exact spot an acupuncturist would put a needle in to treat these things. Once he took it out a few years later he started getting reactions again. Might be a long shot but it could work for you too.

  3. Seems it was too little too late - he was dead this morning. He had taken a hiding from his tank mates in the night and that had done him in.

    Thanks for you help all - it's very much appreciated.

  4. Whoa, easy on tiger.

    Not accusing you of anything. Just a level of transparency. In the interest of learning what has and hasn't worked in this particular case.

    Fish disease and ailments are pretty tricky to diagnose and correct. Especially when people are remotely helping.

    By listing what remedies you have used and found effective can help people out in the future.

    Good luck though.

    Sorry, I was in reactive mode. How dare you question my methods! :sage:

    Um, yeah, so just good clean water, a bit of salt and some melafix as of yesterday and I've added furan 2 today. No obvious signs of improvement so far but it has only been 12 hours. Will update in the next couple of days with the outcome.

    Thanks all for your help, it's very much appreciated.

  5. What have you done so far to help your fish?

    I started by rescuing him from a rotten tank and treating the good tank with salt and melafix while trying to figure out what exactly is wrong with him. Now that I know I will treat the condition and hope for the best.

    Are you accusing me of not doing enough?

  6. Thanks, I didn't make it but I'll get there first thing in the morning. His tufts have fallen off today and he's no longer clamping his fins and can swim quite well. Now it's just a race to get him eating before he starves to death.

  7. I would treat with furan2 as it will treat fungus, columnaris and finrot.

    Awesome, thanks for that. I'll go to the shops now and hope they're still open when I get there.

    Thanks to everybody else as well, fingers crossed he makes it through.

  8. I've had double red cockatoos and a couple of others. I found that as long as you give them some caves (small clay pots works real well) they're really happy. As others have said you'll want to get a pair but once they've got their cave and their eating well they'll start breeding without much effort on your behalf. If you want more than a pair just add more females and spread the caves about so they can keep away from each other.

  9. I rescued the last remaining A. Heckelii from my ex's house yesterday and they're both in various levels of sickness. I can't figure out what these white tufts are. Any ideas?

    I've got them in a tank with freshly changed water. I've thrown in a handfull of epsom salts and some melafix for good luck. If I can get an ID I'll treat accordingly.


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