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Posts posted by blueyes

  1. Thanks Puffer..... I already feel like a huge weight has been lifted..... so I am taking that and running with it lol..... gonna enjoy a break for the rest of the week and then theres some serious job hunting going on, I've applied for a few already, but need to work on my cv a bit......

  2. Hey guys....thanks for the support.... to be honest, right now I am feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.... this place has been dragging me down for the last 2-3 years.... so the plan is for the next couple of days to work on updating my cv and getting it out there as much as I can.... they have been pretty good and are paying me out 4 weeks notice instead of 2 which will make things easier for a while..... I just need to hold back on the little treats in shopping etc, and maybe no new fishies for a while.....

    For now I am feeling positive.... ask me again in a couple of weeks though haha :-?

  3. Thanks Josh, I definitely have skills in both those areas, and plenty of experience..... yay, a little ray of sunshine :)

    I guess for now I just have to think that I'll have plenty of time to play around setting up the new tanks, finally found Daltons locally and am gonna get Silica sand for the 4ft I think (hope P44 doesn't see this) then I just need to sort out plants and I'm good to go.

    Well thats one positive that I'm concentrating on anyway......

  4. that as of tomorrow I will be an unemployed bum.... 12 years of service and I'm given the choice of either staying in a job that makes me miserable (which they know) and pretending to enjoy it, resigning or being fired........ :tears:

    So yeah, if anyone knows of any jobs going at the moment, let me know......

    I heard we are getting an Animates in Takanini so maybe I can hold out and get one there.......

  5. So I have just learnt to make sure the spray bar is really really well suctioned to the tank, because if it slips your SAE will freak out..... find the only gap in the lid of the tank..... jump out of the tank, land on the floor behind your cabinet, get covered in dust and won't make it through the night :tears:

    Sometimes I wonder if I am really cut out for this fishkeeping thing.....

  6. Silly you for not understanding your fish more like it....

    It's all good David.... we're having councelling to deal with our "issues" and learning to compromise lol

    It's more just the plants I was thinking about really, they aren't getting time to establish their roots, I might just have another go at rearranging this weekend... and try and move the plants away from the sides of the tank more as this seems to be where they like to do their best landscaping :)

  7. And they're digging holes everywhere lol..... I have a fancy that its the BN's I've seen them flicking the sand all over the place with their tails.... having said that I also often see sand flying ouy of the Yoyo's den too.... the clowns seem to do the least dammage no ones eating plants, just digging them up!

  8. Theres no list of ingredients on the fert.... its Sera Flore Daydrops :(

    I did find that they are sensitive to formalin and copper sulphate, are these ingredients likely to be used in ferts?

    P44 I have found them to be pretty hardy too...... I mean if they can handle a beginner like me as an owner they must be pretty tough..... I did lose one, but I think that was because it wasn't well it was a skinny little guy.....

  9. Hi

    I think I saw the shop you mean today - I couldn't go in but there wasn't a fish store there before...



    It has pictures of tropical fish painted on the windows.... thankyou, I was sure I couldn't have missed it before considering I drive past it on my way home everyday..... not sure if its just a supplies store or if it has fish too.... I think it was called something like Aqua Shop...... might have to go and have a peek tomorrow I think..... i'll report back if anyones interested :)

  10. Are liquid ferts safe to be using with the clown loaches in the tank, I know they are sensitive to meds..... but don't if the same applies to ferts?

    I know sweetcorn speeds up metabolism for people, is it okay to feed corn on the cob to fish?

    And finally, did anyone know about the fishy shop around the corner from me at work on Neilson Street in Onehunga... I'm sure its new???

    Thanks in advance all knowing wise ones :bow:

  11. The bottom is sand... I guess they could have just found really really good hiding place...... the filter is a cannister filter and I don't think they were small enough to have got into the intake, but I guess anything is possible, though I did just clean out the filter and didn't find anyone in there...... oh well, at least it has made my mind up that I definitely want to get some killies agsin at some stage, they are neat little guys and will definitely add some colour to the tank

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