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Posts posted by blueyes

  1. Yeah, I'll probably just pull the tank apart and start again I think, get rid of those snails and wait awhile before I get any more clowns.

    I might do some work on the 4ft instead. I dunno... feel a bit disheartened about it all now, but I'm sure I'll get the enthusiasm back eventually.

    Just in case it was something that the last 2 killies bought in, keep a close eye on your guys that were in the tank with them Sophia.

  2. No, theres nowhere for them to go within the lid... even pulled the filter out.... I'm pretty sure they're gone..... I guess if they had died, the snails would have made short work of them.... bit I've seen them over the last few days and they looked fine....

    I'm just so gutted.... this sucks so much :tears:

  3. Good news/Bad news

    Good news..... I no longer have the issue of guppie overpopulation.....

    Bad news..... it would appear that I no longer have any population of clowns.... I'm so devastated

    Yesterday morning I fished out several dead guppies, this morning I set up a hospital tank, pull most of the plants out of the killie tank, fish out the live guppies, and I can't find a single clown.... other than a dead one in the plants.

    I've just floated all the plants back in the tank just in case theres some killies in them...... but I can't believe that out of 7 I don't have a single one left..... sitting here on the verge of tears.... I've never lost this many fish ever..... I suck at this!!!!! &c:ry

  4. Lol..... maybe his 4 girlies loved him to death!!!!

    Worse mcrudd when he's possibly the only boy of the lot... he was quite a bit bigger than the others so I'm hoping that maybe he was just older and more developed and the others haven't developed into noticable boyhood yet. Otherwise there goes the breeding plans, until we find more.... man this sucks!!!!!!!

  5. Om my gosh, I love these little guys so much..... they are so adorable..... I just went 3 time to turn on my electric blanket and 3 times I got distracted watching them lol :love:

    And I'm 99% sure that at least one of them is a male woohoo :bounce:

  6. Thanks Sophia :)

    Paige, I think it's more just luck and probably down to the Daltons Aquatic mix, cos I really haven't done much to grow them myself, maybe a wise choice of plants thata grow easily too lol

    Well I've done it, I've released them into the wild, they don't seem too bothered by their tankmates, and the guppies don't seem too interested in them, so I guess they should be okay for a short while at least..... the only thing in there big enough to eat them is Horatio Kane the ginormous brown ramshorn or something or other snail......

  7. It's gone nuts P44, that and the rotala I think it is..... the tank is like a wee jungle, except the crypt corner, which is getting over a total melt down about 3 weeks ago.... but they are all starting to grow new leaves now.... I'll need to do a bit of pruning soon I think.....

  8. Can't see much yet Josh.... but I'll try and get some pics later tonight, I've got them floating in a big container until I can figure out what to do with all the baby guppies, I was going to put them in the breeder net in the interim, but I can't find it... I'll set up my wee tank in the lounge I think and put the guppies in there......

    I got 5 Sophia.... didn't intend on getting that many, but I saw them and they were so cute lol..... not sure what sex they are, I'll have a closer look once they've settled in a bit more.

    I'm wondering if they will be okay with just the baby guppies until I manage to catch them all, theres plenty of riccia and other plants for them to hide in.

    I've moved everything out that would be big enough to fit them in their mouths, but they are such precious wee fish, I just don't want to risk anything happening lol

  9. Welll I've really gone and done it this time..... cleared HFF out of their clowns..... so, now working on moving the guppies and uncle tetra out of the tank to be taken over now by its true inhabitants :happy1: :happy2: :happy1: :happy2: :happy1: :happy2: :happy1:

    If anyone wants any guppies let me know, I've got some going to ghostknife, but theres so many of them!!!!!

  10. Thanks Zev, it will probably be a couple of months before I am back on my feet financially and can justify spending money on my fish again. Maybe with a bit of luck they will still have them at the time, I'll just cross my fingers for now.... sucky timing this time round.... &c:ry

  11. It looks awesome, the plants have filled out really nicely..... only problem with it is that it is now filled with guppies and their fry.... oh and snails, but the plants are looking really great. What I will do once (if ever) there are some clowns available is put the guppies back in the community tank which will help control the population and then put some of the yoyo's in to clear out the snails beforehand.

    I'll try and remember to take some new pics tomorrow :)

  12. Round 2 of bubbas born today..... the older ones are getting so big now and colouring is starting to show.... I think there must be some kinda secret growth formula in the water.... the snails are getting huge!!!! (and lots :evil: ) but I can always scoop them out an put them in the community tank..... the loaches will love me for it.........

    I"ll try and get some more pics tomorrow after I clean the front glass of the tank lol... I'll leave the green stuff growing on the back and sides cos the babies like picking at it :D

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