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    golf , rugby,

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  1. hey chim, ta i would have to stick it in a stocking or something, dont have a fluidiser, been useing jbl stuff its coming off easier than before but i try to keep my hands out as much as poss. any other ideas on corals for da tank/
  2. hey reef, hows it .yeah coraline doing good , skimmer now tuned to 2 oclock. what sort of hard corals do u reackon next some different colours say red or blue got plenty of green stuff
  3. cheers brian, yep gonna save some money and get some frags probably the cheapest and easiest way dont u think.we were going to shift houses but now were staying put. :roll: still have quite a lot of hair algae around so im trying to get rid of it :evil: any special tricks?
  4. hi steve my name is paul, pies (mark) told me to get hold of you. could you please pm me ta.
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