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Posts posted by katrina.hughes

  1. They are only juvenile fantails, each measuring 5-6cm, will be moving them when they get bigger. Water parameters are all fine - no ammonia, ph 7, water is aerated, nitrate/nitrite levels all fine. It's all pretty healthy - except for the snail... who won't move. When I bought him from the petshop he was in a coldwater tank, cute pic :-)

  2. Hi all, I bought my mystery snail a while ago and it has been quite contempt with moving round the bowl, doing what snails do best... but lately, my snail does not move at all (and hasn't moved for the past 2 months). I know it's still alive as its operculum is still tightly closed. I haven't changed anything out of the ordinary for his behaviour to change so I was wondering whether they hibernate and if so, for how long? He is in a 20L bowl with two fantail goldfish, once weekly 20% water changes. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated :-)

  3. maybe keep the female in the breeding tank once eggs are fertalised but keep her in a clear cylinder (maybe half a coke bottle with holes in it) so that the male can see her so that he has just enough of a distraction to stop him eating the eggs... it worked for me. My boy had kept eating eggs - possibly got bored and had nothing better to do :roll: No harm in trying

  4. Adrienne I completely sympathise when you lost all your males. Same thing has happened to me... bought 2 beautiful halfmoon males at the same time - both died 3 days later (no apparent cause of death) bought another male a week later - died in a day. Had done my regular water changes (all water quality tests came up fine). Had also a few established fish die during this time as well - guppies, cardinals and another fighter.... have no idea whats going on! I am on tank water so considering metal poisoning? Any other suggestions? Sorry no photos - but gave them a thorough looking over, no visible abnormalities at all... :tears:

  5. Sooo lucky! Man, my girl still hasn't dropped... even after my large water change! I swear she's keeping them in on purpose just to make me wait... feel like squeezing her! Grrrr... :facepalm: Oh well, guess I just have to be patient aye. Do albino guppies ever pop up in the pet shops - namely animates botany or hollywood mt roskill?

  6. Hmmm, interesting. What I wonder is why does MAF let axolotls into the country if there is a chance for them to become terrestrial... bit strange don't you think? So say you bought a humble juvenile axy from the pet store, at this point you own a legal pet... but then it decides to morph into an adult (unlikely, but possible), then if I'm not mistaken, you are in possession of an illegal pet? :-?

  7. That is brilliantly in-depth, thanks heaps! Yes, I am also interested to hear other peoples experiences on the matter, NZ's guppy gene pool seems to be quite limited... not much line breeding from what I can see either. Really want to get my pink line going but finding it hard to get some albino females... blondes will have to do for the moment. :roll:

  8. Well, you see, I have this particular male that I want to breed but currently I can't get the blonde females that I'm after... so in the meantime I have bred him with some mutts from the local petstore just to see what comes out... so was just curious as to what percentage of the offspring will be his? :dunno: Also how long before the female becomes 'pure' (or as close to pure as possible) again? :thup:

  9. Hi all, I am interested in finding out about the offspring of non-virgin females. Let's say I've bred a non-virgin female with one of my male guppies - what are the odds of her using the more recent sperm of my male compared to some of the older, previous 'flings' she has had? I also want to know how it works... does the female store 'packets' of each males sperm and use them at will or is it all mixed up in one big soup and really ends up as a 'pick n mix' on what offspring you get? :thup:

  10. Thanks guys for all your help - it's great to know there are more of these pretty pinkys out there, I reckon it should have a new name, they actually remind me a lot of the cartoon character 'pink panther'... what do you reckon? :happy2:

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