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Posts posted by gagaforfish

  1. Just when I thought I could start breeding fighters, life gets in the way!! :an!gry

    I am now living between my parents.. So I only get to see my tanks every few days... :tears: Do you there is any point in attempting to breed fighters, if my grow out tank is in another house? Or should I just give up on the idea for a while?


  2. Please don't spawn veiltails. Unless you really like them. It'll be much easier to move on other tail types. And a decent pair from a breeder wont even cost that much

    I have a VT! but I agree that I shouldn't breed them, every betta site you go on tells you the worthlessness of them... :roll:

    I quite like halfmoons and I had one ages ago, but he died in what I think was an ammonia spike, but it was before I had an ammonia test kit. :-? But I haven't decided on a type, if I see something I like... :D

  3. where are you going to keep all the babies?

    When? I could use the 190L, that I keep putting off buying a stand for.. :oops: Or when they start getting agro towards each other I have a few little tanks that I could use? But this is just something i'm looking into

  4. I want to breed fighters, but I would like a few pointers before I start anything... What kind of setup do you guys use for spawning? I was thinking a 60-30-30 bare bottomed, ( :lol: ) with a few plants anchored down or something like that?

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