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Posts posted by Deepsound

  1. wow...

    Same thing in France, may be worse. We got what industry calls "mermaid tears".

    Such a poetic name for plastic pellets, an incredible pollution we can find on the beaches.


    We also have regular green algae invasion because of fertilizers used for agriculture.


    (this is not a meadow, just low tide...)

    ps : what does "uni papers" means ?

    It is a study and "uni" is for "university" ?

  2. Yes, this is what you can find in ONE albatrosse's stomach :o

    All kinds of plastic - toys, shopping bags, asthma inhalers, pens, cigarette lighters, toothbrushes, combs, bottle tops. The birds had swallowed them and choked to death :tears:

    Same thing for turtle, whales, dolphins, seals and fish.

    There is a kind of plastic continent as large as Africa over the oceans :cry:

    Picture from Rebecca Hosking.

    "She was filming wildlife in the Pacific. What sounded like a nice job turned into something from a David Cronenberg film". She decided to take action !

    "There were humpback whales, seals and turtles - all dead or dying from the plastic. Wherever they went the sea was full of tiny pieces of plastic and every tide brought more. On the leeward side of Midway they found thousands of albatross chicks dead or fatally weakened. Hosking picked up one still alive. It pecked her and then died too. At that, Hosking broke down in anger and distress. Most people would have left it there (...). She finished the film for the BBC. Then she set about banning plastic bags. Just like that.

    In under a month, working with friends and showing her film, she persuaded all 43 Modbury shopkeepers to replace the plastic bag, the symbol of the throwaway society, with reusable cloth bags. What started as a six-month trial period became a permanent voluntary project, and the town's traders now reckon they have avoided 500,000 bags ending up in the environment." (Guardian)

    When I see even one single person can change things, it makes my day :)

  3. Big hands or small frog? :lol: Very nice!


    Big hands obviously.

    Indeed, I'm totally blue and I definitely prefer pterodactyls to cars 4.gif

    How did you guess Sam ?...

    Dammit ! My accent for sure...


  4. Watching a documentary about NZ on french TV.

    (history, landscapes, people, economy, etc.).


    You rejected nuclear. You stopped mining in national parks. You developped the first solar boat, farming without subsides. The list could go on. I know it's may be a little bit like looking through rose-tinted glasses. I'm well aware that it's not so idyllic for sure.

    But you can be proud.

    * standing ovation for you *

  5. what's down?


    3 metre off the ladder onto concrete

    flat on my side

    love that song,

    i'm still shuffling :rotf:

    Ouch... :o :tears:

    i still have some of my old skills when it comes to falling from height :thup:

    What kind of ? Trapeze artist ? (serious question)

    Or percussionist ? (not at all serious ;) )

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