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  1. Ah arguable I think the lion fish is a very poor example. on one hand they are the most evasive species on the planet, however they are also very well traveled. They can move from their 'natural habitats' and easily establish in another country without the help of man. So are they a pest or is this just mother nature? However please note I understand that most of these species get to water ways/reef systems through the hand of man.
  2. jc254


    what tropicals are you talking about?
  3. jc254


    can you buy them here? ie cat shark, Epaulette shark, bamboo shark ect
  4. That was me and still can't find anything on it. I think a IHS needs to be created like any other species... But would have better chances than for a live animal.
  5. saw this the other day... very interesting... would be great if we could import sperm
  6. Does NZ have a general out line of importing sperm? I can find for dogs, horses and pigs but cant see anything on reptiles. Was wondering is there a general outline of importing sperm?
  7. wonder what they would fetch on the NZ market...
  8. looking for torts... nice looking leo morphs... ect...
  9. just looking for legit replies thanks...
  10. Looking to get back into reptile keeping... kept water dragons, bearded dragons, snake necks, box tortoises... ect Want something interesting... Moneys not a issue... Let us know what you have for sale/coming up ect. P.S im not Maf... On a side note whats happening in the world on the legal side of strange reptiles in NZ?
  11. not really constructive replies i was expecting... especially froms mods?
  12. Hi all I go up for a interview on Tuesday for a officers position in the NZ army. I am 22 yo Male, Degree and a Diploma for education. been a bar manager for the past three-four years. Has anyone been through the process and can give me a heads up on types of questions asked and what tests ill sit? Thanks
  13. Just graduated from uni now and the job market is very tight for my choice in jobs, so looking for something to do. I work full time but thinking about taking on my own small business. I know people talk about doing this but I am seriously thinking about doing this at the start of next year once I have saved up a wee nest egg, but financially its not a issue. My question is New Zealand able to support another importer? Looking at freshwater and marines with a breeding room for goldfish. what do you think, can NZ support another one?
  14. anybody know where I can find a good softwear package for german learning or even better a tutor in Christchurch?
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