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Posts posted by Fish_Tank

  1. for your size tank, i would use a HOB filter...penguin bio wheel, acua clear ect.

    jagar heaters are pretty much top of the line....but rather expensive. I use via aqua heaters. I recomend getting a fully submergable heater ;)

    try get a twin tube fluro light hood. it should give enough light to keep most plants ;)

    and a school of corys would look cool...just don't try to start yopur tank with panda corys :D

  2. Hey guys, we were having a bit of a discusion in chat tonight over the adult size of gold nugget pl*cos...L177 to be exact

    here is a quote from planetcatfish.com

    Size: The adult size of L177 is unknown although it is likely to be the same as L18 / L85 which is around 12" - 14". Vires states that L81 is a smaller species and only reaches 7".

    So what do you guys recon?

  3. lol guys, thanks for your help :) I don't have anywhere near that amount of money at the moment anyway (no job ;) )

    so you guys recon a 4 footer is a minimum.......what about a large 3 foot (3'x18"x18")??

    I'm prob to lazy to have a marine tank anyway :lol: It was a thought i had for a while though.....maybe i'll try brackish first :)

  4. Hey guys, I'm just curious....on estimate, how much would it cost to set up a 3'x14x14 tank as a reef?

    I also hear that of you set it up right, you don't need a filter?

    so equipment reqired would be?


    Skimmer (brands? cost?

    powerheads (how many? what size?)

    Lights (what kind? how many watts? cost?)

    Live rock (how much? cost?)

    corals (estimated cost?)

    sand (cost?)


    thanks guys (just considering ATM ;) )

  5. I don't like the look of the fish in critter kingdom personally :(

    I'm gonna say organism is all you need......prob closer than redwood, very clean and friendly and both Toby and John know heaps :)

    organism is on the corner of Islam and Clyde rd.......it's a green shop next to the fish and chip shop :lol:

  6. you tank is going through a totally normal phase called the cycle :) it sounds like amonia has gona and now you are going into the nitrIte phase :) when nitrAte shows, your tank is cycled.

    just keep up the water changes and you'll be fine :)

    The electric yellows will be happier in the higher pH anyway.

    I think the electric yellow will have been adjusted to normal PH at the LFS

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