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Everything posted by tiny789

  1. Hi, my male dragon is 8 months old, i noticed to day that his head, legs and tail are a golden yellow colour, but his body is grey, can any one tell me why this is, is it something to do with uvb / uva bulbs,, is there something wrong with him, any ideas please,, jan
  2. Hi, my dragon is 7 months old, since the large earth quake here in christchurch, he spends all day in his cave only coming out to phoo, will not come out to eat so have to put his food dish by his cave, this has been going on with all the after shocks, any ideas any one, hes not the same happy dragon, he use to run over to his glass door when i came home, to see me,, am getting worried about him, jan
  3. hi, you mean a bigger water area, this was just to see if it would work, now i know its does , as hes in a 5 ft long set up there is room to put in a bigger water container,
  4. samH why is it odd,,id like to know,, i put it in his set up 3 or 4 times a week if hes not interested in having a bath i take it out, its much easier than getting him out and bathing him, and less stressfull for him, hes shreding today and spent a while in it, goes in and out as hes pleases, thank you zev for the topic on how to download photos to here,
  5. Came up with a great idea to get my beardie to have a bath with out getting him out to bath him , i found a large oval plastic bowl, put warm water in it, found a old fish tank pump put the tube in the water turned it on, to form bubbles, and he loves it, left it in there for quite a while he was in and out of it, for ages,, even drank out of it, i have all ways had to mist him to get him to drink,, so pleased i have solved two problems,, have posted photo,,
  6. Didnt realize until today that dragons can see colours, i use kitchen towel in the bottom of my set up, and this has very small green rabbits printted on it, i usually use plain kitchen towel he was trying to pick at them, thinking they were his green salad, so funny to watch,,
  7. Repto, come on, you carnt call it lizard , think we will have to name yours our selfs, im sure we can come up with some good names, male or female, heres a couple, Merlin, Hector, Toffo,
  8. having just got my first young beardie, and it took me ages to come up with a name for him or her, i am interested to see what you others have called yours, i have named mine spangle,, after a uk sweet i used to like , called spangles,
  9. have a 8 week old beardie,and he is such a fussy eater, the only insects he will eat are crickets and locust, i got him 100 mealworms and he wont touch them, even flies wont touch, if i let the mealworms turn into the young brown bettles can i try them on him, will they do him any harm, any ideas any one,
  10. Hi, i have heard that mealworms are no good for young beardies, as there skins are to hard for them, mine is 7 weeks old, also, when the mealworms turn into bettles can you feed them to young beardies, im trying to get him to eat vegies and salad and thought if i put the mealworms in with the vegies he might start to eat it, and the mealworms would be a change from just crickets, any advice pls, thanks
  11. hi its celsius, stupid me, did get the small crickets to day, he had 9 this morning and 5 this afternoon, he must like them better, fussy little devil, so hes doing better, still wont touch grated carrot , or dandelion, i do mist him 3 times a day, and spray some of the rocks, i did read not to put a water bowl in there at his young age, is this right ? thanks for your feed backs,
  12. hi, i have just got a 6 week old beardie, hes in a 40 inch tank. with cave and rocks, and branches, UVA lamp and UVB basking lamp, i turn them off at night and put on a heating lamp with no light, he seems active, but is not eatting well, only eats around 3 small locusts a day, do give him vegies but not taken much of that. he goes to the basking end which is 40c, and then goes back to the cooler end 25c, quite often during the day, what am i doing wrong as i know he should be eatting more, i do leave a couple of locust in there when i am at work, help i would hate to loose him due to him not eatting much,
  13. have offered carrot and greens, did eat a little,
  14. hi, small locust, have some small crickets been delivered 2 morrow,
  15. Hi all, have just joined, site is so helpfull, and some great interesting topics, i have just got my first beardie, 2 weeks ago, 7 weeks old, great fun to watch, but not eatting that good, will only eat 3 locust a day i have tried to offer him locusts 3 times a day, but shows no interest only takes the one feed of 3, some times hes active then just sits there, basking end 40, cooler end 25, has uva and uvb lamps, tank is 40 inch, pls any advice, oh have tried hand feeding, no luck, im in ch/ch.
  16. hi, i have a beardie of 6 weeks, first couple of days ate nothing, most likely stress, now he will only eat 3 locusts a day, he does run over to the pot they are in and will grab them as i put them on the floor, but thats all he will eat, i have tried hand feeding but no luck, hes quite active, hes in a 40 inch tank, basking temp 40 and cool end 25, help i know he should be eatting more,
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