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Posts posted by myfishybuisness

  1. defently oscars if you want a fish with personality , i had some and when we re arranged the room the fish did nt like it so he re arranged the tank and moved about 40kgs of gravel to one end of the tank also he would not come out unless he liked the person in the room ,like he didnt like my mum and she was like y does it always hide but when i feed him (worms, bloodworms,ox heart, guppys)he practly jumped out of the tank for the food

  2. it starts as a couple of little tanks next thing you no u have a garden shed full of tanks with ther largest at 5ft, then you dont end up keeping fish the fish end up keeping you


  3. wow lots of coments , i have decide i might try breeding some show guppys even though they are easy i would like to get a good quality strain going for the next fish show , e.g full blacks , full red albino, and i already have albino snakeskin so yeah

    (also i have more fun sorting and experimenting differnt breeds of guppys and its cheap and doesnt matter if you screw up)

  4. nice big girl - should produce a large lot of fry. I have only seen huge females at Phil Collis' house. Yes, a male guppy will breed with any female he can get near :D

    have you been to davids recently ? if you have he has male that are massive the biggist ive ever seen and they are really nice coloured and the tailes are huge

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