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Posts posted by amtiskaw

  1. I was only watching Almost Human because Karl Urban was the lead. It's been cancelled. Couldn't get into the Tomorrow people either, it's a bit too young adult for me - same with Arrow. Maybe I'm just getting old...

    Just finished binge-watching season one of Orange is the New Black - fantastic show.

    I'm enjoying Fargo. It has the same feel as the movie, slow, offbeat humor and quaint "You betcha" mannerisms interspersed with moments of violence and cold ruthlessness.

    The Americans is the other show I've binge-watched recently. Very good, too. Deep cover Russian agents living in the US - their kids don't know the parents are KGB agents. Good drama :D

  2. With Ghostery, I find it's set and forget. I just leave it running and turn off the announcements. They maintain the block list, sort of like ad blockers do. Mind you, it's only one of many privacy/security extensions I run.

    There's quite a few cookie specific extensions for Firefox if cookies are your primary concern. I don't use any, but have a look at the reviews.

    NoScript take a lot of training, but I wouldn't be without it. A lot of people find it too intrusive, but in my IT job I have to check a few dodgy sites, and I find it invaluable.

  3. 1-3 ppm, so yours is way too high. A water change will reduce it, but it depends how much phosphate is in your tap water. Give some tap water a test.

    EI target ranges

    CO2 range 25-30 ppm

    NO3 range 5-30 ppm

    K+ range 10-30 ppm

    PO4 range 1.0-2.0 ppm

    Fe 0.2-0.5ppm or higher

    GH range 3-5 degrees ~ 50ppm or higher

    KH range 3-5

  4. Not sure if it's just the TB method - I've seen it mentioned a few times:


    http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/c ... p?sid=6067

    http://www.aquascapingworld.com/magazin ... ethod.html

    "Can I dose Macro & Micro mixes on the same day?

    No, the Iron (Fe) in the Chelated Trace and the Phosphate in Potassium Phosphate (KH2PO4) have a tendency to react with each other, especially at higher pH rendering them un available to the plants as it forms Iron Phosphate."

  5. Are you dosing half the two day amount each day?

    I wouldn't mess with the EI plan, apart from ratios to balance each particular tank, as some smart cookies have refined it over a few years and it's pretty well optimized. You're meant to keep your micros, specifically iron, separate to your phosphate day, as phosphate reduces the iron to a less usable state.

    Have you tested your nitrate and phosphate levels? Could need less macros rather than more. Does vary depending on how densely planted, and with what, your tank is. Make sure your CO2 is at good levels, and stable. And yeah, more flow could help.

  6. Nope, that was for green dust. Since you think you have green spot, that wouldn't work. Green spot is usually caused by too little phosphate, but since you seem to be dosing that at EI rates, I can't really say what's causing it. I did a quick google, and shortening your photo period may help.

    You might want to sign up on The Barr Report's forum and start asking for help there. Sorry I can't be of more help, but I can only recommend what's worked for me, and I've only struggled with (and conquered!) green dust.

  7. so green dust and green spot are different?

    Yup - green dust comes off glass easily and is, well, kinda dusty looking. Green spot is much harder to get off glass and basically impossible to get off plants.

    Green Dust 70g-oct4-06a.jpg

    Green spot



  8. Green dust can be not enough nitrates. Green spot can be not enough phosphate. Try keeping your nitrate at EI recommended levels, and cut back on the phosphate a bit, and stop water changes for a few weeks until the dust dies off. It shouldn't come back if you keep your nitrates up around EI levels - that's what works for me.

    Hamilton water is quite high in phosphate, so I don't dose PO4. If fact I always have algae problems until my plants get established enough to use the phosphate out of the tap. I have to remind myself to do water changes now as I've get no visible algae :bounce:

  9. Plants need potassium, too. There's a great chart here that explains the signs of various deficiencies.

    Seems a bit odd that you don't have to dose nitrate - are you sure your test kit is good?. Any green dust algae?

    How dense is the planting?

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