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Posts posted by DEE

  1. Mine is remarkably graceful at picking up pieces of shrimp off the bottom, its the dats that gulp it down and get a bit of the substrate with it. I'm not too worried about the aro eating the subsrate as its all small enough to pass, I learned the hard way about putting in bite sized rocks, I got the first one back but never found the second one!! :o

    ya my arow is very graseful his name is solomon they are all good at not picking up the gravel even my dats :)

    so excited to put tile in my tank. i need to take out all my gravel and then put in the tiles, it's going to be hard work

  2. yep, photos would be nice.

    what fish do you have?

    All the fish in my tank (little fish) seem to hover over the gravel when needing a place to hide as they blend in better than the stark sand

    ya i have big fish eg 60cm arowana 3x danoids so after what david said i think tiles are better

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