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Posts posted by spaceman

  1. The fry were in a tank next to them and the parents were in there own tank.

    They told me they are there fry and they look the same so fingers crossed!!

    So i diddnt see the fry with them but the pair were by themselfs, i guess if i see new fry i will know lol

  2. Thats what i thought, but i got some of there fry about a month ago and i realy liked them and they are doing fine and geting bigger. So i went there today and the parents were forsale so i got them today and they are in there own tank and they seem to have settled in fine, coming up to the top when i walk past and playing around with each other.

    I havnt seen any before and i diddnt get told much and cant find much on them, but if they have breed before i hope they will for me :)

  3. I have a african tank with: Electric yellows, sunshine peacocks, Ice blues, auratus and a couple others im not sure what they are called

    Another tanks i have a Fire eel, BGK, Blue rams, key holes ( which are breeding if anyone can give me some info on what to do and help them) Horse faced loach,kuhliis, mexican blind tetras, bolivans, golden gouramis, black skirts, whip tails, kribs, plecs, black neons, Harlequins

    And a pair of dwarf white parrots that have breed before so im looking for info on them to. I just got them today

  4. Hi

    my name is tim, 1st time writer and lond time reader to the forums.

    I started up my own tank about 6-7 months ago and now i have 4 and im sure there will be more soon. Its just to hard to stop!!

    Any info will be a help

    looking forward to your help


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