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Posts posted by reptilez

  1. I like them. They would be the only angel I would ever want to own. Pity they will not be aloud here. I don't see them being any different to a fancy betta. well except you can see them in the dark :wink:

    but its mean :evil: they did not choose to have it done did they :(

  2. I think $56 is pretty reasonable if they have to send someone out, they have to pay his wages, petrol and all the admin costs associated with it.. I mean depending on where he has to travel from it could take him 2 hours to get there, do the inspection/paperwork and then back to the office.

    I know it would suck at 12 but I am sure you have ways of earning money :) Or have birthdays and things like that..

    selling fish is my way :D

    have you seen that i just put 2 silver dollars for sale.

    That is how i am hopefully be able to get $20 for both.

    Then i might sell my 14cm clown loaches :P

    gosh fish are so addictive :oops:

    4 tanks then Mum says ''get rid of some tanks'' :oops:

    THen i say Mum can i buy a blue tongue lizard.....THen another :oops:

  3. i rang up d.o.c and asked for a reptile permit.

    He asked me my cage size and what its made of.

    He is sending me the application form and

    1:it costs $56 ! to get it

    2:you have to be 18 or older,but you can but your parents name and still use it.

    3:its free to renew it.

    Ithink that is a bit whooooooo!!!!!!!!!

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$56 thats alot fo money!

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