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Posts posted by herefishiefishie

  1. I used to manage one, that count. I was in the game b4 Brad too that count. You should hear him in the background :roll: whose sidekick?!?!?! Mumble, mumble, mumble :lol:

    Yeh, first pic. I thought it looked odd. So now its the original breeder that has his head stuck up his, umm buried in the ground. Tosser!!! :evil:

    Frenchy :D

  2. Sunshines & red shoulders are completely different. Those look like neither. Brad has an ex employee that pops in from time to time who is a peacock freak, I should start getting a collection of pics together for him :lol:

    Frenchy :D

  3. Should send that photo back to the one you bought of Ryan. Love to see an expert choke on his words.

    Brad{sidekick} wants a better photo of the first pic. I am currently at his shop.

    Frenchy :D

  4. Did ya place a pic up at the cichlid forum? They are to light to be blacks. Very similar colour to me whites.

    This pic is a year old, he isnt as nice anymore, he doesn't whiten up like he used too. His own fault! Bastard!


    An older pic when a yougen


    I heard the price, if anyone can jump on the wholesale price I would buy 6 straight away. I would be worried about the 2cm, as that could be to small to buy as a risk. Cheaper than what they were here when they first came into QLD.

    Frenchy :D

  5. If you can take a few better photos of the parents, I should be able to have a good enough stab & what type of calvus they are. Or at least place a pic up on the cichlid forum.

    You should be able to get the fry up to size in 6 months. Plenty of food & water changes.

    good luck with raising them, always cool to see someone breeding altos. Watch how they develop as they grow.

    ps; parents always that colour?

    Frenchy :D

  6. I use pruigen to great effect, crystal clear tanks. As with others, I have using for a couple of years now. To me its cheating, when people come look at the tanks & comment on clear they are :lol:

    oh, never had problems with water quality{touch wood} & I am not as regular with my water changes as I should be. Maybe I could get a test kit & run tests... *Brad, any chance of a deal on that :D

    Frenchy :D

  7. Nah I didn't breed the whites. There is no market for them, plus I didn't want to promote defective genes.

    They appeared in a lfs, the owner kindly let me take pics of them, thought they would of been good for Andrea's article.

    Frenchy :D

  8. I have seen fish that have recieved a head knock do that. Joys of working in a lfs when you have jumpers & place them back in the tank.

    I have seen a couple of fish over the years do this outside of the jumpers. What caused it don't know, but it was just b4 they died.

    All you can do is if it is only one fish, its just one of those things. He may of got startled, ie; lights coming on, someone running past tank, or just to be safe, check tank for any over agressive fish.

    Frenchy :D

  9. I believe, Tropheus bloat is different to Malawi bloat. Firstly its a lot harder to treat too.

    Treatment, If you can get hold of drugs that have metronidazole/ dimetridazole,{protozan} use in combination with nifyrpirinol/oxytetracycline{anti bacterial} & salt.

    Just a note on diet, you have to remember tropheus have small stomach & long intestines & naturally graze all day. vegie diet is a must as a rule.

    ps; very informative posting to Johannes, also sounds like a nice tropheus collection you have too.

    Frenchy :D

  10. I wouldn't go by the black marking at all for sexing. If you want to know the sexing of them then do that by venting.

    Most yellows stem back to the couple of lines mentioned. There are the odd fresh ones from the lake coming through. I fresh line of lion coves hit the country here, which I got my hands on. The white ones you see in previous page are just the result of years of line breeding. I placed photos of whites ones in this article written by Andrea Watts in Sydney...


    North America have huge problems with hybrids, I have seen pics of some, very hard to tell the difference from real yellows. I have seen some Red zeb x yellows for sale in a lfs here, he is passing them on as Tropheops, yet they were imported as orange peacocks.

    So back to the topic sorry & pics. I will place some up tomorrow, currently on dial up, take me forever.

    Frenchy :D

  11. I just had another look at the photos. 99-1 they are calvus. Body shape is a dead give away. As is the patterns. If someone has passed these on as comps, they are not. Did they say what variant they are?

    Frenchy :D

  12. Just need to state the fish are Altolamprologus compressiceps Not Calvis :bow: :roll:

    R u sure. I would put money on them being calvus.

    Oh, if looking to breed them. Try & find some barnacle shells. Its what I used. I found standard shells can be risky, females can get chased up inside & get stuck.

    I hope you breed them, if ya want any tips, I can link ya a couple of good sights & pass on some advice. I went through a little bit of an alto stage for a few years.

    Frenchy :D

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