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Posts posted by herefishiefishie

  1. Julies are lovely & yes can be pains... but if you get a couple to pair up. Everything comes up roses.


    Femals tend to be bigger. Hence usually you buy 5 or 6 as juvies, grow up & let nature take its course. The sure way, is to vent sex...


    There is a pic in there, showing Julies. You can then at least know what you have & then try to find the other. How big is your tank? Caue you can try to find anther 3 or 4 of similar size & add to the tank.

    Either way, before introducing. Break down the tank, take out resident julie. Re set up tank, place in new ones & then the resident one.


    Here is a good read


    What you have is either a marlieri or transcriptus... or a cross of both. Either way, the article is a good one to read.


    Frenchy :)

  2. Not out! I mean good :)

    Really hard to call this anything. Easy to say it isn't an Electric Blue. If they call them the same thing in NZ, as Aussie lol

    Really is hard to ID anything of certain, with some types of Cichlids. Especially with little colouration. Has Nero ever had any colour, I say Nero is a female.

    & cheers re moniker


    Frenchy :)

  3. Interesting, I know Tangy Cichlids don't like water temp increases.

    When they mention all the possible outcomes, the mind wonders. Then you read the comments, :cofn: the increase in fishing, boats, people, open limit... The North is that heavily fished, the boats are forced to move south. Take out the main predator of a Lake & the sardines.... well :facepalm:

    Hello Caryl :bggrn:

    Frenchy :)

  4. nice frenchy, do you guys have a big selection of comps and calvus across the ditch?

    Let me see if I can list them all lol

    I have kept a few variants, lucky in 2004. The LFS I worked at was well connected in Back Door actions & Altos happened to be coming in.

    White "Chaitika",(There is talk now, that some of these are hybrids, a lot of "grey" ones around.

    Black(old skool, no variant or location name) Can't believe I don't have a pic of one.

    Congo Black Pearl Calvus.

    We have "Yellow Calvus" floating around, but they are hydrids. I bought 2 to prove a point, as you can guess. That debate got heated over here :lol: As you can see, they both are different looking & show a lot of Compressiceps shape. Main fish in both shots.



    Comp wise, Standard,(Old skool, no variant or location name)

    Gold Heads"Mutondwe",(pic in earlier post) there is I believe another Gold Head, different yellow in head & doesn't get blue lips.

    Red/Fire Fins, believe "Kigoma"





    She laid in that


    Sumbu, little dwarf alto. (little compressiceps in first pic) & here


    Mixed group growing up


    Joys of barnacle shells, you can see the eggs, fry..


    White Calvus fry at 2 months old


    Yes, slow growers

    May be more variants around now, but I haven't really kept on top of it over last few years.

    Frenchy :)

  5. I haven't kept Africans cichlids for years but those Altos are stunning lokking fish. Almost worth getting a tank for them. Almost.

    After seeing some of these photos, I am thinking the same.

    I just set up a tank with Neolamprologus similis Seen some whites at a shop, could just throw a couple in. Then there won't be any similis fry.

    Frenchy :)

  6. Nice pics :) Already posted some pics of my calvus but here you go again.. They just laid another batch too, pretty stocked because I thought that I had nuked the female treated her for being egg bound.






    Also have fry at 3-4cm now looking quite cool..

    Is it just me or does Zeusterae's fish look more like red fins than gold heads?

    And yeah my calvus go for conch shells.

    What is the go with the yellow in the female? odd

    Frenchy :)

  7. Your problem is fish are chasing like type of fish. ie; Kadango can fight with Steveni, Red Empress etc. Electric Blues, can fight with peacocks, azerus.... excuse spelling.

    Victorian cichlids can just be buggers full stop.

    Have had problems like this in the past with cichlids as they have grown. Males are mature/ maturing, trying to claim part of a territory. & will chase away males of same/similar looking species. This electric blue I had one time, best looking bast ard... he wanted this one cave & the half tank it was in. Face cave in, put big rock in front. Take him out for a week..... :facepalm:

    You can try moving around rock work, taking out the odd fish. I have tried smaller Kadango to replace larger one, as I have with electric blues. With varying results.

    I found the best way with mixed tanks. Is find a few species I liked that were pretty timid. Aceiis, Yellows,{keep as colonies & at least with these, males & females are nice} then mixed in the odd different nice fish of different types. Good luck. Can be frustrating indeed!

    Frenchy :)

  8. Shelley, you do know I am just down the road & if you are variants of Fronnies to just ask me & I can get in contact with breeders who I know went straight to wholesalers... & in one case, picked them out for himself. Hope its all going well for ya up there too.

    ps; I understand a person not wanting to post pics of his fish, especially with talipia in its name too. I know a few secretive fish keepers, then again, when I had my stunning white calvus & got them breeding I liked to show them off lol

    Hope the snow isn't effecting all the fish keepers in kiwi land too

    Frenchy :)

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