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About Brett1970

  • Birthday 08/03/1970

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  • About You
    breeding bettas,internet ,beaches,surfcasting

Brett1970's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Awesome John gorgeous colours look forward to getting mine of you this week keep up work
  2. thankyou everyone are their any betta breeders down her in Christchurch
  3. Yes good to see be nice to make contact with some betta breeders down here
  4. Thanks everyone nice to see a few familar people on here
  5. Hi i have moved to Christchurch sold all my bettas and fish tanks as couldnt afford to bring them down so am starting fresh again . Bought a new fish tank last week so am now on look out for some hms and cts . Look forward to catching up with all my freinds on here in coming days Brett
  6. Need help please with taking photos been trying to take photos of my bettas but the pics keep coming out blurry. Would anyone know the correct setting for exposure and white balance ? Have a very small tank for photos which i have painted black for the lighting and have a lamp over tank also have male in tank to get the males to flare works well just pics are coming out terrible . Maybe its my camera its new has 10 megapix and 8 digital zoom but its one of those point and shoot ones regret buying it now should have got a nikon
  7. Thanks David gosh never knew how hard it was to take photos of fish these ones took me 2 hours lol will have to practise more as would love to be able to take pics like you and Adrienne do mate
  8. Thanks Adrienne me hopless on the computer lol
  9. Hi Adrienne Oh no didnt i post the pictures correctly again ?? The Dad is Jonos Fighter some awesome colours They are 4 months old now ready for sale love to keep the purple ones but need the room. A note for David your Pearl fighter his eggs just hatched yippe after five try lol should make some lovely hms as mum was black .Was ashame he couldnt mate with the girl you gave me but she was just to big for him.
  10. My first fry everyone sorry for picture quality still working out how to take pics
  11. The Spca said 160.00 for a kitten to expensive for us will keep a lookout on Tm
  12. We are looking for a kitten to keep our young kitten company in the Wellington area hope some one can help thankyou Brett
  13. thankyou John great to hear from you did you see Max in the pic the one we got from you. He is growing nicely looking at breeding him soon with one of the pearl females we got from David. I was going to email you tonight regarding when you will have some new fighters for sale ?. Learnt a lot from my first lot of frys have made heaps of mistakes but have learnt a lot .
  14. David can u read my mind lol ok when can i place my order
  15. whoops was doing three things at once sorry thought i did it right as i can see pics
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