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Posts posted by oO SKIPPY Oo

  1. if you have any spares can i have some?

    Yeah not a prob - i just had a clean out last weekend hence the comment about leaving it a week :) it was just going to be clippings of cabomba and ambulia and full twisted val plants

  2. I agree with ID, not a good idea. I've been hearing about a 30 yr old turtle that went missing for months and was found one night because it had grabbed a hedgehog by the leg. The hedgehog was screaming which is why they were found....and the turtle was not going to let go! So if it can do that to a hedgehog, imagine what would happen to a frog :o

    this reminds me of the time my turtle grabbed my finger and didnt want to let go - about 10 mins later she did but left my finger as white as a ghost for about an hour - they sure do have a good grip when they sense food is about.

  3. Yes, the cards are wrong. That particular card shouldn't be on display.

    Animates won't buy fish off back yard breeders and so the GBA price is indicative of the suppliers price to a certain level.

    There is another unrelated store in palmy that sold 2cm GBAs for $50 each.

    i think that card wasnt out but then when i asked how much the girl went and got it - i was thinking what the heck thats so gotta be wrong.....so are brown and golden the same fish just a different color morph ?

  4. can someone please clarify something for me - i was in my local animates today and i got a little puzzled by the tags for a run of a mill Bristlenose and a golden bristlenose

    firstly the bristlenose would get to 5cm max

    secondly the GBA saying it would get to 100cm and a fish that size was good for a 100L tank

    thirdly whats the standard price for a GBA ? i had the feeling that $32 something was a little pricey ?

    please note that this thread is NOT an animates bashing thread but a genuine question for the above



  5. Centre one would be the worst one to remove because that is where your tank will bow..

    I would be inclined to maybe get the end brace cut back as much as possible to allow the internal filter, mind you if your internal filter is going inside the tank it may add some strength back to the tank as well..

    right you are - didnt think about the bowing aspect :)

  6. hi all - late notice and all - but im travelling from akl to rotorua on monday and then rotorua to wellington on tuesday - if anyone needs something shipped and can get me the goods tomorrow night im more than happy to help out.



  7. dreams thanks for the heads up about acclimatising them :wink:

    Skippy my three cherrie barbs are very tame and friendly, they used to be a bit nippy when I had the school of six, but only to a longfin zebra danio. Now they don't even school anymore, I don't want to get more of them, will just let these three die off. Not so fond of them, I love peaceful fishies. My harlequins are super great tankmates. I was just worried about terrority with bn's and chocolate zebras. They are peacefully living together now, so do Otto's not have bottom terrority or do they swim about a lot?

    Thanks both of you for your advice :wink:

    from what i have seen they live all over the place and dont really have a territory like the BN and Zebras

  8. i think they would be ok in your tank - the only one im not sure of would be the cherrie barbs - are they agro like tiger barbs or calm and quiet ?

    last time i saw ottos them in the shops they were $15 each - it just seem like a lot for such a small fish but on the grand scheme of things probably no more expensive than most fish ;)

  9. thanks for the replys i will reduce photo period and do small water changes every 2nd or 3rd day for a few weeks. i didnt think too much about the ammonia side of things because i thought i had done enough with keeping old water etc

    As others have said, brown algae is usually just diatoms that bloom as a result of high dissolved silicates or an ammonia spike. Since this tank was established for a while, I would guess it isn't the silicates as much as it was an ammonia spike resulting from the lack of nitrifying bacteria in the new substrate you have added. As others have said, Otocinclus will eat it, but it also will usually pass after a few weeks.

    If you are doing increased water changes, take care to change little amounts often rather than large amounts. You will have a lot of nutrients in the water column from the new substrate and if you add fluctuating CO2 levels from the water changes, that can cause an outbreak of much more serious algae. I would recommend dropping your photoperiod to about 6 hours, above all else this will help keep the algae at bay and the plants will still thrive. Then, as the tank settles and the brown algae dissapears, gradually increase things as you increase carbon and nutrients to match. :wink:

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