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  • Location
    Hastings,Havelock North
  • About You
    Fishkeeping,Aifsoft and online gaming

LoGaN's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. What filtration would be needed for keeping abalone in cold salt water?
  2. Whos where those Malawi Peacocks ?
  3. I have 2 male Sciaenochromis fryeri, about 10 - 15 cm in length and no females. I want to add females, but im afraid that if i do the males will harass them to death. What are my options ?
  4. LoGaN

    Bulk Food

    Oh i see now lol sorry.
  5. LoGaN

    Bulk Food

    What are you talking about, have you even read what my post is about
  6. Just got my copy today, its great i especially liked the stuff about the Geophagus and the silver dollars. The stuff about the Biotope aquariums was interesting to.
  7. LoGaN

    Bulk Food

    im after food for bottem feeders.
  8. how big are the Synodontis eruptus and the zebra. How much do you want for them ? also how much is the buffer ?
  9. LoGaN

    Bulk Food

    Yea.... could you give me directions ?
  10. LoGaN

    Bulk Food

    Where can i buy bulk fish foods from ?
  11. lol yea they look really cool
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