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  1. Should I take the empty egg shells out of the tank when they are all hatched?
  2. Thanks for the info. They are all hatching at the moment, like 12 are already out and they are all swimming around in their container.
  3. What type and how much food do bristlenosed catfish babies need when they hatch?
  4. Thanks, I worked it out but thought my tank was smaller and just wanted to check.
  5. How many litres is a tank 60x60x30cm?
  6. markc

    Killer shark

    I have a tank that used to have 6 zebra danios and 2 bristle-nosed catfish in it. I added a rainbow shark to this tank, a few weeks later my 2 bristle-nosed catfish died one after the other, and then the zebra danios started disappearing. I'm now down to 3 zebra danios and think the shark might be catching and eating them. In my other tank there is an albino rainbow shark that hasn't eaten any of my tetras. I was wondering if I should move my last danios to this tank and would the rainbow shark start going after my tiger barbs if I did this?
  7. Hi, Does anyone know what happened to fish'n'fangs in Wellington? I haven't been in there for a few years and it seems to have moved or closed down.
  8. markc

    UG filters

    I will leave it on I was just a bit nervous because the other one i was given overheated.
  9. markc

    UG filters

    No, I got given another tank recently that had the pump with it. The pump after being on for a few days feels warmish. I was going to turn the pump off but remembered somewhere saying not to, so I came to ask here.
  10. markc

    UG filters

    Thanks Ira, my brother, who is an electrician, thought the pump might overheat left for that time because it gets a little hot. I will just get the person feeding my fish to check whether it's hot.
  11. markc

    UG filters

    Thanks for the information I have one more question. Is there a safe way to turn it off because I'm going away for 2 weeks and don't want the pump on the whole time? I have another filter in the tank and want to leave just that one on while away.
  12. markc

    UG filters

    Hi I have an UG filter and heard that it can't be just turned off. Is this true and if it is whats the reason?
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