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Posts posted by herperjosh

  1. My husband says the iphone is a very clever device but as a phone it has problems. If you are in a low signal area you will suffer from drop outs and dropped calls. You might find it will work ok outside but when you go inside the workplace or house then you might have these problems. The iphone has poor sensitivity and so needs a stronger signal for reliable calls compared to most other phones. It doesn't matter if it's on the Telecom, 2 degrees or Vodafone networks, it will have these problems.

    Because of the aerial design on the iphone, it is affected by the way you hold the phone. Other phones are affected also but to a much smaller degree.

    He knows this because he gets called to look into call quality problems for one of the cell phone networks. The problem is almost always found to be much worse where the users have iphones. He went to one last week where the business had bought iphones for their staff and could not understand why the only person not having problems was the manager who also had a Nokia flip phone. It never dropped out and that's why he used it when in the office.

    I have had all of these problems

  2. Android = lets you run the phone they way you want and is very customizable. Adobe flash support. Has alot of Advanced features. Range of different phone to pickfrom. Subject to viruses and malware.

    Windows = has minor customizablility. Simple easy to use. Good battery life and a range of handsets

    Apple ios = no customization. Very simple to use. Limited to 3 handsets. Expensive.

    What are you going to be using your phone for?

  3. Might just have to buy the htc, get the beats, sell the phone :P I haven't seen the latest android software.

    :roll: it is alot differnet from the older android softwares it was built from scartch and i mutch more polished and user friendly and looks alot differnet from apple stuff just tupe in ice cream sandwhich and have a look. God you and your beats i will never understand.

  4. I find apples iOS to be the easiest to use. I have tried android on a galaxy S and SII and windows 7 OS on A mates phone can't remember model. They are OK, IMO android feels cheap (and copied :wink: ). Windows 7 OS is nicer than android but iOS>W7

    I'd wait for the iPhone 5 instead of buying a 4S. Apparently it was pulled just before the let's talk iPhone conference. I would expect them to release it 6 months after the 4S ie in April. Kind of like what they did with the 3G(S). I mean a whole year and all they do is add a new proccessor, make it CDMA and GSM and make a better camera? I expected a lot more from apple. The new 5 is supposed to have a 4" screen, square/rectangle home button, tear drop shaped, aluminium backing ect I'd expect it to have the A6 chip or this new chip because apple is buying out a company in Israel can't remember where I read that though.

    Anyway blah blah apple blah :slfg: :wink:

    Anyway blah blah fanboy blah.

    Have you had a look at the new android 4.0 now how is that copied from apple looks conpletley differnt oh and btw htc has your precious beats audio technology built in and comes with beats headphones :lol:

  5. Speaking of android and viruses and malware, When you download an app it gives ou a list fo what the app can access it is quite easy to pick up uf it is going to be a problem app because say if tou downloaded a flash light app and it said that it access messaging, then it is obviously a bit doggie. With apple its dosnt give you a list of what the app can do an malware and viruses have been in aplications on the apple app store so both android abd apple can have viruses.

    Oh and on android you can have things like nortan to scan for viruses

  6. Have you ever thoght of windows phone 7 really good software.

    I have an iphone 4 it has been nothing but trouble headphones stoped working in one ear the charger cable stoped working then the adapter stoped working and now my home button only periodicaly works now. And i have had a look at the samsungs the realiablity rating, customer satufaction rating etc came out with horrible scores. If you want a good smartphone htc a producing some really good ones they hve great build quality and a great interface.

    What are you going to do on a phone, if you just want aimplicity and ease of use go with windows phone 7 if you want to tweak your phone and have full control of how it does things and downlaoad whatever you want then get an android.

  7. herperjosh - I see you have vids on YouTube... was watching some the other day. How do you go about getting a permit? Does it cost?

    You have to ring the doc number for your area and inquire about getting a permit. Then they will want proof that you have a proper cage and food supplie. They just let me e-mail them pictures but most of the time they will want to come round and inspect the cages.

    I am unsure of the the costs as the lady that issued my one gave it to me free, im not shure why that is but they cost around $50-90 i heard from reptilez i think.

  8. How much do you want to spend and what sort are you after - In ear, Supra-aural, Circumaural, closed back, open back?

    I have AKG K512 Circumaural closed back, but I only use them at my computer - would look a bit naff walking around with them on my head!

    The Skullcandys my daughter had karked it as well.

    Yeah skull candy are hoples i will never buy them again! I am looking for some over ear headphones im not to sure what thoe other things mean :sml2: im not going to e walking round with then in they will be used for when im playing ps3 and pc games and just when im in the car or on my bed. I will be getting in ear headphones aswelll but i might be getting a new phone that come with beats earbuds

  9. Corgi pups are cute, and they seem like fairly nice dogs but their adult fur's not very soft. They kinda remind me of ottomans/footrests too, due to not just being long, but also very broad and muscular. Long hair dachshunds are silky smooth if you keep them properly groomed. When I was working last year, I helped a customer who had one (and let me play with it a little). I was already wanting a dachshund at that point, but when I petted it, I loved that it was very silky and I also liked that he dog was quite light and easy to pick up. Corgis weigh a ton, cause they are like pure muscle if you keep them well exercised.

    My corgi weighs 10kg i think they have loely personalities and really intelligent . But yeah their furr is sort of smoth. But one thing with mine is that it just molts all the time! I love dachshunds.

  10. males can be rather territorial. i kept two together in the past in a large eclosure wth only one hide.

    some nights both would be in there, but about 3-4nights a week one skink would sleep on top of the hide. and often a different skink from one night to the next.

    was like first to get in the hide ruled the roost for the night lol

    also notice that if putting a skink (possibly just males?) into a new enclosure, especially one that has had/has a skink in, one of the first things they like to do is rub there scent on the entry to the hide. fascinating little sausages.

    Lol it sounds like they have got a bunk bed system going on. Yeah i always find when you put a bluey into a new cage- enviroment they rub against everything

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