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Posts posted by JazzyJeff

  1. How old is da breeding pair??how many times spawned? are they first time parents? if so; one of them is not mature yet n not ready

    I have had them since they were about 3cm big (now about 12cm) Spawned every week, like clockwork for the past 3 months.

  2. I have a pair of discus that are laying eggs every Saturday, they fuss around them for a couple of days then either they eat them or someone else does ... this has been happening for about 3 months now.

    Is this healthy? :dunno: If it was us humans we would be lining up for IVF or contacting an adoption agency by now - Has there been any research on the emotional stability of fish? Should I just let them carry on or should I separate them OR sell them to someone prepared to give them an environment to breed in?

    So far I have moved them from my 200l to my 100l as the other discus were given them a hard time every time they laid. I used to see them laying and fertilizing and think "stupid fish didn't learn last week?" now my heart just sinks and I feel like I am preventing them from doing what comes naturally. :roll:

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