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Everything posted by skippy_49nz

  1. Its still the same. Swims around fine and generally looks happy enough but hasn't really eaten for probably almost 3 weeks and hasn't done what plecos are famous for for the same time. this makes me think there is a blockage somewhere. Its not floating up or sinking down in the tank, but looks quite unfortunate. I think there's no coming back for this one.
  2. She said its about 10cm and I would have thougt they would need to be a lot bigger than that to breed... She tried forcing some mashed peas in its mouth but it spat it back out. The epsom salts also seem to have done nothing. All she can do is wait and see what happens.
  3. Ok, all water stats were fine 2 days ago. The tank has been set up foe several months so cycling shouldn't be an issue. Pharound 6.9-7.0 ammonia,nitrate, nitrite zero or close to it.
  4. baby fish seem terrible for moving and the slightest change in water can be enough to knock them off their perch. Some are hardier than others so it can be hard to say but an uncycled tank is a big no no for babies. Try some of the suggestions given to speed up the cycle time.
  5. Yes, she said it was swimming fine when she tried to catch it. I'll get her to check the water stats. She has a red spot in the same tank which is fine and several young bristle noses which are also fine. I think she has some jewels and a couple of convicts and T bars I think they are and some clown loaches, and could be a few albino cories as well. All other fish are doing ok.
  6. My sister has a goldspot pleco and she phoned me today to say is really bloated like a balloon. Its relatively young and about 10cm. One fish "expert" said she might keep an eye out for baby plecos in the tank in a few days. Others have suggested feeding peas or adding some epsom salts to the water to help clear it out. So far it hasn't eaten any peas and the epsom salts have done nothing. Does anyone have any suggestions? I haven't seen the fish myself but it doesn't sound like any sort of gravid that I have heard of.
  7. I thought buynow was three fiddy. Oh well... the next ones that come up... just try and hold me back.... if I'm still alive by then.
  8. I saw those... they were in Christchurch though... too far for me to pick up and they wouldn't ship them. Did you have to pay the buy now? If only they were in the North Is I probably would have taken a punt on them... I LOVE plecos with nice white spots...
  9. I have been told its ok with them and have used it for suspected velvet. It seems to have done the trick.
  10. User control panels... thats got me beat... Its mighty mighty Auckland anyway.
  11. Howdy all. I have a few fish which I basically have owned for a little while now and am in the process of looking for some slightly harder to find fish. Goldfish and tetras and all of the run of the mill varieties are great, but I'm after something a bit different. I've seen all of the fish different people have around the world and wonder how many of them are available to those in the know. I hope to learn a lot about the present situation of fishkeeping in nz.
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