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Posts posted by skippy_49nz

  1. I had a swordtail do this as well. She seemed to run over time by a couple of weeks and then I came out one morning and she was floating at the surface. She looked fine the day before and all I could put it down to was complications from trying to give birth. I also wondered about trying to perform a cesarian but I don't know how long she was dead for and I wouldn't know if I was just cutting any fry in half...

  2. There seem to be many imported heaters from china or taiwan or somewhere listed on some auction sites which sell around $16 or so. I have no idea how good they are. When the life of your fish depends on the heater performing as expected, I guess its a false economy to scrimp on a cheap heater.

  3. I bought my sister a "goldie" pleco (sunshine pleco, I think L014) and this thing is a machine when it comes to eating her snails. One day she will put 40 ramshorns in her tank and by morning there aren't any traces of them. It even eats the shells. Now it gets called the snail eater and i make sure to put a few extra snails into the tank for it! It doesn't eat plants and she keeps it with guppys and swordtails without drama.

  4. If prices are high, it tends to encourage the money hungry breeders who are out for a quick buck. I have seen it in all manner of dog breeds and seen them destroyed. I see no reason why it would be different here. They don't have as large spawns as common bristlenoses and are more delicate so I imagine they could become relatively common but I doubt they will become as common as common BNs. I have seem some in Auckland in Animates and they want $140 for them and they are probably only 5cm. I thought that was pretty rude. I would like to get a few decent females though, that seems to be the real challenge with any of these plecos. If I could get a definite female I would be pretty stoked.

  5. Well I have a strange yellow object in my tank approximately 2-3 times the size of cory eggs. Its clear and slightly yellowish. Its sitting on the gravel unattended so if it is an egg its pretty well going to be no good and probably infertile. The fish in the tank are some rasboras and zebra danios which are far too small to lay an egg this size and a group of albino corys. Likely culprits are a few king tiger plecos I have in there. Does anyone know what their eggs look like? The best way I can describe this is it looks like a healtheries oil capsule but about the size of a plastic pin head.

  6. When a fish dies I always take it on the nose. As has been said, there is no control over what happens to the fish once it leaves the store. Your cat could knock the plug and disconnect the heater and they could die overnight. There is really no way for the shop to know so I take the responsibility upon myself once I walk out the door. I think often you are more likely to get a slightly less fit or more sick fish from any given tank as most times the sick fish won't escape the net as well at a fit healthy fish...

  7. This is not really a disease as such, but I put my 2 male jewels in the same tank and separated the female so I wouldn't have any more babies to contend with. Well now my 2 males have laid eggs! These were BOTH males. Has anyone heard of cichlids changing sex in single species situations? I've heard of frogs doing it... Will I have to keep just one jewel per tank?

  8. L270's, is that chocolate zebras? what are they like? I've been thinking about getting a couple. I could have got some when I got the king tigers... but finances constrain me! I wouldn't mind having a carnivore pleco tank set up with a couple of king tigers, couple of chocolate zebras and maybe a couple of queen arabs or something... that is of course if they do eat...

  9. I have them in a nice dark tank away from too much daily traffic in the house but not right out of the way completely. I see one is borrowing under the wood and building a nice little home there so hopefully they are starting to settle in and will eat a bit in time. They do seem super sneaky so it might just be a tense and nervous time until they have been around for about a month and by then they will be dead if they're not eating so I will assume they are ok if they are still swimming. I'm so used to bristlenoses and red/gold spots which eat like machines! ... with terrible "exhaust"...

  10. I have some King Tigers which have great looking tails... I don't see much else of them. I've had them a couple of weeks now and they just don't eat. Ive tried shrimp pellets, cichlid crumbles, flake food, bloodworms... they just don't seem interested. How long would it typically be before they settle in and start to eat? I'm putting food in at lights out and in the morning the food is still there. I know they can take a little while to settle, but should I be concerned?

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