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About stephikinsfish

  • Birthday 01/22/1975

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  1. That's great I'm 90% sure I will go anyway will just have to try and not spend too much money......mmmmmmmmmmm (might just go and redo budget again)lol
  2. Would this be worth going to next weekend if I'm only looking at fish stuff. Any suggestions. Thanks
  3. I have one of these filters but the nozzle for the outlet pipe from the head unit is slightly warped out of shape and not perfectly round. Therefore it leaks slightly. Any ideas how this could be fixed. Would it be possible to remould it somehow?
  4. Yay all fixed now used wonder tonic. He is feeling much better.
  5. I have 2 big angels and my black male has developed a cloudy eye, only the one eye and has a tiny white dot sticking out of it. Seems to have been picked on lately by the black and yellow female but they also look like they are jaw locking for breeding. None of the others are sick and he seems fine otherwise. Any ideas?
  6. I'm not sure what's going on with my angels. In the baby tank I have about 40+ babies and there is a layer of bubbles on the surface. However I have the same thing in my big angel tank. Both tanks are 200litre and seem to be fine. Ph levels are fine etc. Any ideas what the bubbles are from? Is it dangerous?
  7. Just letting you know your offspring have laid eggs again...Yippee :bounce:
  8. Hi how's everything going. At last my ph has stabalised so no more sick fish (tough wood). Apart from that all going well. We have about 75-80 babies from one of your originals. Call in sometime.
  9. How quickly do these babies grow? I am worried my older ones (8 weeks) aren't growing....Any ideas?
  10. I have just noticed a small amount of green algae on my internal filter. Any ideas on how to get rid of it?
  11. Also just bought 4 more baby albino angels about the same size/age as my 3 black ones. Should be interesting colorations when they pair up
  12. We counted roughly when doing a water change I have about 80 lol :lol: :bounce:
  13. It was looking really skinny and not eating...but the big one is fine
  14. My clown loach didn't survive but I still have my big one left. He will be lonely though.
  15. I think there might be about 50 in the new lot and they are all doing well...I'm an expert on brine shrimp now lol
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