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    Tauranga BOP

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  1. I know what you mean, that why I was interested in the Eheim 2080, I liked the idea of having 2 intakes with the 2080, I can not find an on line price in NZ, will have to get a price from shops and then make my decision
  2. I feed my 6 oscars dry sticks twice a day, just enough that they all get some, I did not think that would be over feeding do you? :roll: I am doing a large water change every 2-3 days to keep the amonia down, nitrate is spot on Could it be the canister filter that is not mature giving me amonia problems?
  3. My Setup will post pictures of my sump filter etc so you can see pictures are fairly old now, oscars have grown! As you can see my sand is quite deep, would it help with amonia etc to take some out???
  4. I have a large sump filter with about 2# 25kg bags of pummice ( In size not weight) in the middle of the pummice I have heavy matting with wool on top of filter, water falls from tank on to perspex with holes drilled in it to spread over wool, it all then passes in to second section of sump where my Eheim sump pump 1262 pumps it back in to my tank Does this sound like a good set up???
  5. Hi When I first had the tank I suffered with low ph so I was told to put some coral in my sump filter, which I did and I still have in sump, ph drops a bit on water change but comes back up after a day :roll:
  6. Hi, thanks for your quick reply, the tank has been running 4 months with a large sump filter with pumice, and a eheim 1262 sump pump, about 6 weeks ago I added a eheim pro 2028 canister filter because I was fed up with the amount waste on the bottom of the tank as you will know 6 oscars are very messey I was thinking of doing away with the sump filter with messey oscars and getting the larger canister filter??? Steve
  7. Hi I have a 6ft tank with 6 medium sized oscars, I have been running a large sump filter but it seems to have a down side with oscars, all the poop lays in the bottom of the tank and can not get to the filter, if I do not clean tank daily I am getting ammonia problems, so I have decided to get an Eheim 2080, can any one please tell me where I can purchase one in New Zealand, or the best place? :roll: Steve
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