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Everything posted by boban_nz

  1. Danio rerio - Zebra danio long fin Danio rerio - Leopard danio long fin
  2. I am borrowing the fish, I keep them for a few days in my thank, take some pictures and after that the fish are going back to their "home".
  3. Gastromyzon ocellatus Prionobrama filigera - Glass Bloodfin Tetra Thayeria boehlkei - Penguin Tetra
  4. It has all ready been published, it is online here Xiphophorus maculatus - Green Calico Platy Xiphophorus maculatus - Blue Calico Platy Xiphophorus hellerii - Swordtail
  5. Phenacogrammus interruptus - Congo tetra Sturisoma sp. - Whiptail catfish
  6. Hyphessobrycon anisitsi - Buenos Aires Tetra
  7. Pethia nigrofasciata - Black ruby barb
  8. Poecilia wingei - Endler's Guppy
  9. Ancistrus sp. Paracheirodon simulans - Green neon tetra Paracheirodon simulans - Green neon tetra Corydoras pygmaeus - Pygmy Cory
  10. All I can suggest is that you increase your lighting and shooting distance. F number keep as small as possible. Even if you have a big f number, due to extremely small depth of field, you can't get a whole fish in focus from a short shooting distance using a macro lens. Also save image in a large RAW format but I believe that you know that.
  11. I have a standard three foot fish tank with 2 x18 w daylight plus 2 x 55 w compact 10000 K light. The lens I am using is a Canon EF 100mm F2.8 L IS USM Macro. If I want to take a photo of the whole fish tank I will use a Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM or Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L USM L. F-11 is for landscape photography not for photographing a fish tank with insufficient light. I am always holding my camera in free hand, minimum working distance is 150 mm but I shoot from about 300 - 500 mm. That is the beauty of using a true macro lens.
  12. Just seldom. I wrote a fish articles for a pet magazine and submitted a pictures as well.
  13. Pethia padamya - Odessa Barb Carnegiella mysersi - Pygmy hatchetfish Carnegiella strigata - Marbled hatchetfish
  14. Crossocheilus atrilimes as "Siamese algae-eater" Garra sp. as "Siamese algae-eater" Brevibora dorsiocellata Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis - Lemon tetra Nematobrycon palmeri - Emperor tetra Melanotaenia lacustris Pristella maxillaris - Pristella tetra
  15. boban_nz


    This was here in New Zealand. It was an import of piranhas for Kelly Tarlton and National Aquarium.
  16. boban_nz


    I have had the opportunity to look after Red Belly piranhas on several ocassions. They are very shy fish, always swimming in a school. Having my arm in the fish tank doing what was necessary was not a problem at all. Regardless of a very good feed, the fish were very nasty to each other when they were left on their own. Usually, all I saw was just a fish head as everything else was eaten. Some individuals were bitten, usually a chunk of flesh off the back off the fish. On one occasion when I had a fish in the net, it flicked over and in a spilt second it took a chunk of skin off my finger. I was very lucky that it was just a little fish.
  17. No, I am not using speedlite. EXIF Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode
  18. Tanichthys albonubes - White Cloud Mountain minnow Trichogaster chuna - Honey gourami Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus - Flying fox
  19. Crossocheilus siamensis - I have never seen the fish so far. Black lined flying fox = Crossocheilus langei + Crossocheilus atrilimes + Crossocheilus oblongus ??? + Crossocheilus sp. + Garra cambodgiensis + ??? Silver fox = Garra sp. Flying fox = Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus
  20. Nannostomus beckfordi - Golden pencilfish Chilodus punctatus - Spotted Headstander Nannostomus Eques - Rocket Pencilfish
  21. Diamond tetra - Moenkhausia pittieri Hemigrammus ocellife - Head and Tail Light Tetra
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